Student wellness

At KEDGE, we believe that the best way to train the responsible managers of tomorrow is to work hand in hand with them to accelerate the ecological and social transition.

Our 1st commitment is to support our students throughout their studies, by taking care of their well-being, their mental, physical, and financial health, and by preventing discrimination.

To achieve this, the school has set up three student support services for YOU.

KEDGE Wellness : Taking care of yourself and others

We offer a scheme of prevention, support and guidance for our students to improve their well-being. 

For this we propose a wide range of activities on campus throughout the year, accessible to everyone  such as: sophrology workshops, well-being week, yoga, etc.. 
At the same time, we provide personalised support for students who are experiencing difficulties affecting their health, or who are simply having trouble adapting to their new life: stress, anxiety, blues, financial problems, family difficulties, feeling unwell, etc. 

A well-trained, multi-disciplinary team is at your side, on campus or remotely and offers you:

  • Psychological support and guidance 
  • Help and advice from volunteers staff 
  • Advice from a social worker
  • Personal accompaniment by sports coaches and sports activities coordinators 

Fast, confidential appointments by e-mail: 

KEDGE Alert : Preventing and combating all forms of violence and discrimination

Within the KEDGE community, there is 0 tolerance for acts of harassment, aggression, violence and discrimination. 

If you are a victim or witness during your studies our team is here to offer you confidential support and advice. If necessary, we will inform the relevant authorities so that protective measures or disciplinary action can be taken. 

Fast, confidential appointment by e-mail: 

KEDGE Access : Supporting disabled people

KEDGE has set up a system to support and assist the successful integration of disabled students and to follow their progress throughout their studies. This while respecting the confidentiality of the information they provide. 

A network of trained disability advisors is available on campus to help you make the necessary adjustments.

Fast, confidential appointment by e-mail: