Prepare a trip with Safety KEDGE

It is designed to support students and staff who can deal with an emergency, and give by giving them access to resources to prevent risks and prepare to leave abroad, as well as a comprehensive internal assistance system...

SAFETY KEDGE, a solution integrated into « MY KEDGE » mobile application

International development is at the heart of KEDGE strategy. The members of KEDGE community have many opportunities to travel abroad (training courses, university exchanges, Free Mover, Pro-Act Nomad, international symposia and events, research postings) in an ever-growing number of countries.

At the same time, the frequency of natural disasters (earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, etc.), health risks (pollution, epidemics, etc.), political and geopolitical risks (conflicts, terrorism threat, criminality, etc.) to which the members of the community may be exposed is increasing, making it essential to manage these risks with lucidity and humility.

1/ Prepare a mobility trip

KEDGE, with its mobile application « MY KEDGE », issues to its students and employees the International SOS country sheets (international reference in the field of security).
These sheets provide essential information for a good preparation of the stay abroad: visa procedures and conditions of entry and exit, brief history, medical risks, vaccines, recommended means of transport, customs and habits, emergency numbers, etc. 

A « Safety and Security risk management manual» has also been developed in collaboration with GEOS, an expert in safety and security consulting, in order to enable all members of the KEDGE community to know and respect the rules and procedures established within the school. This manual also provides practical recommendations to prevent and manage the security and safety risks to which community members may be exposed during their stay.

Safety advice information sheets are also available to provide advice on what to do in the event of specific incidents: road accidents, sexual assault and violence, arrests, burglaries, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, etc.
Risk management must be everyone's business, be considered proactively and in an integrated manner by everyone, to allow each member of the community to travel and work in the best security and safety conditions.

2/ Be supported if necessary

SAFETY KEDGE, a solution integrated into the MY KEDGE mobile application, also allows students and employees:

  • to be informed of serious events that have occurred at their place of residence via an integrated geolocation solution;
  • to report their trip during Safety Check and/or to be able to request to be accompanied by a specific communication channel with the School;
  • and finally to contact the School via an emergency number operating in 24/7. As such, a on-call team, composed of employees, teachers and directors, has been trained;

Examples of situations: natural disasters, accidents, pandemics, health problems, assaults, arrests, etc.

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Safety and security risk management manual - EN

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