Anicia Jaegler and Thierry Roques, professors at KEDGE, are co-authors of a book dedicated to the sustainable supply chain. They propose solutions to make supply chain practices more responsible in a context of ecological and societal transition.

The purpose of this book is to offer practitioners and students a set of best practices for sustainable and responsible management of supply chains to meet the ecological and societal transition. It has been designed to facilitate the appropriation of tools by actors and their implementation in companies.
In this book, we have chosen to talk about the sustainable and responsible supply chain. This terminology may seem out of sync or even redundant if we compare it with the numerous expressions that qualify the evolution of supply chains towards more ecology, more transparency, more circularity and more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
This choice is justified by a desire to clearly support our statement on the three pillars of sustainable development, economic, ecological and social, while not privileging any of them to the detriment of the other two.
The good practices presented in this book are classified into 9 themes, themselves organized around 4 parts:
- Structuring your upstream supply chain (chapter 1: Eco-design; chapter 2: Buying sustainably and responsibly)
- Optimizing the internal supply chain (chapter 3: Sustainable management; chapter 4: Sustainable storage)
- Deploying the downstream supply chain (chapter 5: Sustainable packaging; chapter 6: Implementing reverse logistics; chapter 7: Sustainable transport)
- Having a holistic approach (chapter 8: Certifying your supply chain; chapter 9: Improving your performance)
Contact the autors
Thierry ROQUES
You are managers, employees, students and therefore actors of the sustainable and responsible supply chain of tomorrow but you wonder how to make a supply chain sustainable?
This book, a real practical guide, aims to help managers to set up a strategic and operational management of a sustainable and responsible supply chain. It has been designed to facilitate the appropriation of the tools by the actors as well as their implementation in the companies.
What is it about?
- The concept of social life cycle assessment is described on the Life Cycle Initiative platform
- AFNOR XP X30-901
- Functional service Economy
- This diversity and these evolutions can be found in the definitions of eco-design. The Eco-design Pole and the European network ENEC have thus identified in the literature
Why ?
- Eco-design practices by French companies
- Behavioural changes in relation to the climate emergency (in French)
- Some mobile applications like Yuka, ZEI or Clearfashion rate companies' behavior and products according to eco-responsibility criteria (websites in French)
Institutional, legal and normative framework
- Eco-design pole (in French)
- Directive 2002/95/CE of 27 january 2003
- Directive 2002/96/CE of 27 january 2003
- Directive 2005/32/CE of 6 july 2005
- Regulations : ecodesign of energy consuming products
- ISO 14062 "Environmental management - Integration of environmental aspects in product design and development”
- ISO 14040 "environmental management - life cycle assessment - principles and framework »
Best practices
- ADEME presents this best practice on its website dedicated to eco-design (in French)
- Selection of LCA softwares (in French)
- Brezet wheel
- CGDD n°121, april 2012 (in French)
- 5,000 kilotons of household packaging are thrown away each year in France (Planetscope) (in French)
- Conseil National de l’Emballage
- Packaging eco-design guide (in French)
Why ?
Total cost of ownership (TCO) is the purchase price of an asset plus operating costs. Evaluating TCO means taking a holistic view of what the product is and its value over time. When choosing between options as part of a purchasing decision, buyers often look at the short-term price of an item, i.e., its purchase price. However, they must also consider its long-term price, or total cost of ownership. This is the long-term costs and expenses incurred during the useful life of the product and its ultimate disposal. The item with the lowest total cost of ownership may be the most advantageous in the long run. Investopedia
Institutional, legal and normative framework
- The Global Compact asks companies to align their strategies and operations with the ten universal principles related to human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption, and to take action to advance societal goals and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
- The Responsible Purchasing and Supplier Relations label (RFAR) distinguishes French companies or public entities that have demonstrated sustainable and balanced relations with their suppliers.
- Directive 2014/24/UE of 26 february 2014 on public procurement
- Sustainable procurement: The Government Buying Standards (GBS)
- Sustainable Procurement Policy
- U.S. General Services for Administration
- GSA Green Purchasing Plan
- GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Greening Government Procurement
- Buying Green for Federal Purchasers
- ISO 26000 Social Responsability
- ISO 20400 Sustainable procurement
Best practices
- Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: « Our Common Future » 1987
- ADEME (in French)
- Alma Consulting (in French)
- The TCO methodology was developed by Gartner Group in 1987
- Barometer IS0 20400 (in French)
- Sustainable procurement observatory (OBSAR) (in French)
- Methodological guide to OBSAR's sustainable procurement indicators (in French)
What is it about?
- Association Française des Managers de la Diversité (AFMD) (in French)
- Glossary Kedge
- Les mots de l’inclusion (in French)
Institutional, legal and normative framework
- The Charte de la diversité is a text of commitment proposed to the signature of any employer, who wishes by a voluntary approach, to act in favor of diversity and thus exceed the legal framework of the fight against discriminations (in French)
- Launched by « L’Autre Cercle », the Charte d’Engagement LGBT+ provides a formal framework for a policy to promote diversity and prevent discrimination (in French)
- The Parenthood charter aims to take parenthood into account in companies, whatever the family configuration and throughout the life cycle, in order to help employees reconcile their professional, personal and family lives
- The global business network for people with declared disabilities (Global Business and Disability Network, GBDN), is the only network of its kind in the world that brings together leading multinational companies working with the ILO - the UN agency for the world of work - for the benefit of businesses, people with disabilities, economies and communities around the world.
- The Label Diversité implemented in 2008 demonstrates a company's commitment to promoting diversity and preventing discrimination (in French)
- The Gender Equality – European Standard label (GEES) aims to promote the development of a common culture of professional equality between women and men
- The Economic Dividends for Gender Equality certification (EDGE) is a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative measurement system for the results of an equality policy
- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- ISO 14001 "Environmental Management Systems - Requirements and Guidelines for its Use".
- ISO 14004 "environmental management systems - general guidelines for implementation".
- ISO 14005 "environmental management systems - guidelines for a flexible approach to phased implementation"
- ISO 14031 "Environmental Management - Environmental Performance Evaluation – Guidelines »
- ISO 14064 "Greenhouse Gases - Part 1: Specifications and Guidance, at the Agency Level, for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals"
- ISO 30415 "Human Resources Management - Diversity and Inclusion
- ISO/AWI TS 30436 "Human Resource Management - Technical Specification of Diversity and Inclusion Measures"
Best practices
- The ISO 14031 standard formalizes the framework for assessing climate performance within a supply chain and proposes 3 categories of indicators
- Stop au sexisme ordinaire en entreprise (#StOpE) (in French)
- Project « t’handy quoi ? » (in French)
What is it about ?
- Rapport Statista : Les entrepôts et l’entreposage en France (2021) (in French)
Why ?
Legal framework and certifications of the sustainable warehouse
- OPERAT digital platform, operated by ADEME (in French)
- Certification of distribution centers and warehouses in the U.S.
- Environment Act 2021
- Sustainable construction legislation,regulation and drivers in UK
- ICPE (substances used or processed in the facility) (in French)
- ICPE (typology of the facility's activities) (in French)
- ICPE (IED activities on industrial emissions from the facility) (in French)
- ICPE (hazardous substances used in the facility) (in French)
- ICPE (special cases) (in French)
- CACES R489
- Regulation on working in warehouses in extreme conditions (in French)
- BREEAM Certification
- Building Research Establishment (BRE)
- US Green Building Council
- Comparison of warehouse certification requirements des niveaux d’exigence des certifications d’entrepôts (in French)
- DNGB label
Best practices
- TLog classification (2012) (in French)
- Solar panels and environmental impact
- Environmental impacts of wind power
- Advantages and challenges of wind energy
- Wind modules on buildings
- RAJA methodology for managing wastes (in French)
- Fédération Professionnelle Des Entreprises du Recyclage (FEDEREC) (in French)
- Syndicat National des Entrepreneurs de la Filière Déchet (in French)
- Capital (in French)
- Directive 89/656/CEE – Use of personal protective equipment
- ISO 20345 – Personal protective equipment – safety footwear
- French National interprofessional agreement of 19 June 2013 (in French)
- Principles of benevolent management
Examples |
Why is it important to change to a sustainable and responsible approach to product packaging?
- DS Smith
- World Wide Fund Belgique (in French)
Legal framework and certifications for sustainable packaging
- Sustainable Packaging Coalition
- French National Packaging Council
- Eco-design methodological guide (French National Packaging Council)
- Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste
- Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
- Packaging waste: Producer responsabilities
- Packaging waste: Extended producer responsability
- United States Packaging legislation Map
- ISO 18601 - Packaging and environment - General requirements for the use of ISO standards in the field of packaging and environment
- ISO 18602 - Packaging and environment - Optimization of the packaging system
- ISO 18603 - Packaging and environment - Reuse
- ISO 18604 - Packaging and environment - Recycling of materials
- ISO 18605 - Packaging and environment - Energy recovery
- ISO 18606 - Packaging and Environment - Organic Recycling
- ISO 14040 - Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Principles and Framework
- ISO 14041 - Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Objective and scope definition and inventory analysis
- ISO 14042v - Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Life Cycle Impact Assessment
- ISO 14043 - Environmental Management - Life Cycle Assessment - Life Cycle Interpretation
Best practices
- Packaging optimisation methodology proposed by Raja
- Volume ratio between the contents and the container : Volume of the packaged product / Volume of the consumer sales unit
- Palletization volume ratio: Volume of all packages loaded on a pallet / Theoretical volume of the pallet load
- FSC Label of Forest Stewardship Council
- Declaration of the company's efforts to sort and recycle packaging to Citeo (in French)
- Example of the 2021 Bonus/Malus grid (in French)
- The resale of some waste can generate profits
- This best practice refers to the “packaging eco-design guide” made by the French “Pôle Eco-conception” (in French)
- As well as the "Practical Guide to the Eco-design of Packaged Products" produced by the CNE
- RAJA méthodology for waste management (in French)
- Indicators proposed by the French National Packaging Council (to download)
Institutional, legal and normative framework
- Directive 2202/96/CE 27 january 2003, on the responsibility of producers and distributors for the collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronicequipment (WEEE)
- Directive 2008/98/CE on waste management
- Directive 2018/851 modifying the Directive 2008/98/CE
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (USA)
- Recycling Laws by States (USA)
- Waste Prevention Programme for England
- Regulations for waste management for Scotland
- ISO 15270 - Plastics - Guidelines for the recovery and recycling of plastic waste
- ISO 22453 - Data exchange on rare earth elements in industrial waste and end-of-life products for recycling
- ISO 22450 - Rare Earth elements Recycling - Requirements for the Provision of Industrial Waste and End-of-Life Product Data
Best practices
- Centre de Transfert Technologique en Ecologie Industrielle
- Sustainability Guide by European Regional Development Fund
- Aigle (in French)
- Vinted
- Vide-dressing (in French)
- Vestiaire collective (in French)
- Darty (in French)
- Boulanger (in French)
- Decathlon (in French)
- CircularX (in French)
- International Transport Forum
- Inrix
- Bruitparif (in French)
Legal framework and certifications for sustainable transport
- Engagement Volontaire pour l’Environnement (EVE) by ADEME (in French)
- Program « Objectif CO2 » (in French)
- Program « Fret21 » (in French)
- Program « EVCOM » (in French)
- Global Green Freight initiative
- European standards for cars and light commercial vehicles from 2030
- European standards for heavy goods vehicles from 2030
- GLEC Framework developed by the Smart Freight Center
- How to decarbonize UK freight transport by 2050?
- Sustainable transport, what is it and why is it important?
- Decarbonizing the entire UK transport system
- U.S Department of Transportation
- Sustainable transportation in the US: A review of proposals, policies, and programs since 2000 – Zhou
- ISO 37161 - Smart Urban Infrastructure - Intelligent Transportation Recommendations for Energy Savings in Transportation Services
Best practices
- Federation of E-commerce and Distance Selling (FEVAD) (in French)
- Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport (GART) (in French)
- Programme Innovations Territoriales en Logistique Urbaine durable (InTerLUD) (in French)
- ISO 37100 - Sustainable cities and territorial communities
- ISO/TC 268 (in progress) for urban resilience
- ISO 37181 - Intelligent urban infrastructure - intelligent transportation by autonomous vehicles on public roads
- ISO 37166 - Smart Urban Infrastructure - Urban Data Integration Framework for Smart City Planning
- ISO 37180 - Intelligent Urban Infrastructure - Guidelines for intelligent transportation using QR code identification and authentication in the field of transportation and its related or additional services
- ISO 37161 - Smart Urban Infrastructure - Intelligent Transportation Recommendations for Energy Savings in Transportation Services
- ISO 37152 - Smart urban infrastructure - common framework for development and operations
- Monoprix (in French)
- Malteries Soufflet (in French)
- Even Distribution (in French)
- C-Discount (in French)
- Valrhona (in French)
- Lactinov (in French)
- Nexans (in French)
- Cereco (in French)
- C-Discount (in French)
- Transport Blanchet (in French)
- Cargo bikes
- Sustainable solutions in last mile logistics
Institutional, legal and normative framework for the certification of a sustainable supply chain
- ISO (or International Standard Organisation).
- ISCC (or International Sustainability and Carbon Certification)
- Sedex Information Exchange
- Tesco Nurture 10
- Supplier Code of conduct Hewlett Packard
- Products certifications for the USA
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems
- SA 8000
- AA1000
- ILO-OSH 2001
- ISO 26000 - Social responsibility
Best practices
- Sustainable Business Council (previous NZBCSD)
- Comité Français pour l’Accréditation (in French)
Institutional, legal and normative framework
- The measures of European Green Deal. These measures aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
- Greenhouse gas assessment system (BEGES) (in French)
- ISO 14069 - Greenhouse Gases - Quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions for organizations
- ISO 14067 - Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products. It aims to meet the objective 13 of sustainable development
- ISO 14064 - Greenhouse Gases - Part 1 Specification and Guidance at the Agency Level for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals
- ISO 14080 - Greenhouse gas management and related activities - Framework and principles of methodologies for climate action It aims to meet sustainable development goals 12 and 13
- ISO 14097 - Greenhouse Gas Management and Related Activities - A framework of principles and requirements for climate change assessment and reporting of investments and financing activities. It aims to address Sustainable Development Goals 8, 11 and 13
- ISO 19694 - Stationary Source Emissions-Determination of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Energy-Intensive Industries
- ISO/TC 282 is a declination of 4 standards (ISO/TC 281/SC1-SC2-SC3-SC4), aiming to frame the recycling of water from different sources.
- ISO 30500 - On-site wastewater systems - Prefabricated integrated treatment units - General performance and safety requirements for design and testing
- ISO/TC 331 - Biodiversity
- Agence NAtionale de GEstion des Déchets (ANAGED) (in French)
Best practices
- « Science based targets » Methodology
- Carbon Trust
- Definition of European Parliament for carbon neutrality
- Info Compensation Carbone (in French)
- Office National des Forêts (in French)
Measurement indicators
- Global Biodiversity Score (in French)
- Mean Species Abundance (MSA.km2)
- EBEvie (in French)
- Environmental Profit and Loss (E P & L)
- Zei software
- Net Environmental Contribution (NEC)
- European taxonomy
- Saint Gobain and AGC