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Simona D’Antone is Associate Professor in Marketing at KEDGE Business School. She holds a PhD in Marketing from the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy and is a member of the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) research group. Her main research interest is in cultural and social aspects of markets and consumption with specific focuses on: phenomena of market emergence and innovation and its interaction with values and society, business purchasing and sustainable sourcing, anti-consumption, consumer well-being, branding. Her work has been published in international outlets such as Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of Consumer Affairs and Consumption Markets and Culture.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    FUSCHILLO, G., S. D'ANTONE, "Consumption networks in times of social distancing: towards entrained solidarity", Marketing Theory, 2023, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 343-364 2023 Journal article
    FILIERI, R., Z.LIN, S.D'ANTONE, E.CHATZOPOULOU, "A cultural approach to brand equity: the role of brand mianzi and brand popularity in China", Journal of Brand Management, July 2019, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 376-394 2019 Journal article
    CASTAGNONI, D., S.D'ANTONE - "Brand experience : how can Kusmi Tea counter Palais des Thés ?" - 2018, CCMP, Paris 2018 Case Study
    D'ANTONE, S., L. CANNING, E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, R. SPENCER, "Concerned innovation: The ebb and flow between market and society", Industrial Marketing Management, 2017, vol. 64, pp. 66-78 2017 Journal article
    CASPRINI, E., S.D'ANTONE, B.PARANQUE, T.PUCCI, L.ZANNI, "I choose my business model! A cross-national analysis of business model choice in family firms", EuroMed Journal of Business, 2016, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 212-231 2016 Journal article
    COVA, B., S.D'ANTONE, "Brand Iconicity vs. Anti-Consumption Well-Being Concerns: The Nutella Palm Oil Conflict", Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2016, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 166-192 2016 Journal article
    D'ANTONE, S., J. B.SANTOS, "When purchasing professional services supports innovation", Industrial Marketing Management, 2016, vol. 58, pp. 172-186 2016 Journal article
    Teaching domains


    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    Comment la société de la consommation génère de nouvelles pratiques solidaires Gregorio FUSCHILLO Published in The Conversation
    Marketing & new consumption
    No consumer is an Island : the case of sustainable palm oil consumption None Video publication
    Marketing & new consumption
    Les consommateurs ne vivent pas sur une île déserte : le cas de la consommation de l'huile de palme None Video publication
    Marketing & new consumption