Laurent BOMPAR

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Laurent Bompar is Professor of Sales Management and Negotiation at KEDGE Business School and holds a PhD in Management. He worked for Mercuri International and KPMG as a consultant for eight years and later spent eleven years in business management supervising a large sales force to achieve results. For the past twenty years, Laurent has conducted more than 400 professional seminars on varying subject matters such as sales management, negotiation and behavior. His academic research includes the effects of humor, phases of relationships, trust, relationship qualities, performance on sales management and negotiation. He produces case studies on famous action sports companies.

Publication Year of publication Type of publication
BOMPAR, L., R. LUNARDO, C. SAINTIVES, R. BRION, "Humor usage by sellers: effects of aggressive and constructive humor types on perceptions of Machiavellianism and relational outcomes", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2023, vol. Vol. 38, no. No. 10, pp. 2183-2196 2023 Journal article
FOURNIER, C., L. BOMPAR, "L’importance de la force de vente dans une politique de distribution omnicanal et humaine. Wiki AFM - Marketing pour une Société Responsable, Chap. 9" in Wiki AFM - Marketing pour une Société Responsable., Wiki AFM Ed., Association Française de Marketing, 2022 2022 Book chapter
BOMPAR, L., R. LUNARDO - "Comment l’approche catégorielle de L’Oréal / Carrefour peut-elle réenchanter l’univers hygiène beauté en grande distribution ?" - 2021, CCMP, Paris, France 2021 Case Study
LUNARDO, R., L. BOMPAR, C. SAINTIVES, "Briser la glace avec de l’humour : la propriété soulageante de l’humour et ses effets sur la performance des vendeurs", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 3-23 2021 Journal article
ESTAY, C., Z. YANAT, C. LAKSHMAN, L. BOMPAR, "Comment un manager peut-il faire réussir un collaborateur en situation d’échec ?", Question(s) de management, 2020, no. 28, pp. 65-75 2020 Journal article
BENSEMMANE, S., A. BRIANÇON, M. OHANA, L. BOMPAR, "Le bien-être au travail comme déterminant de l'orientation client : test d'un modèle exploratoire", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, 2019, no. 134, pp. 135-159 2019 Journal article
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Rip Curl : Du positionnement des produits au ciblage des clients, un retour à l’authenticité" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Rip Curl: How Product versus Target Diversification Helps an Authenic (Re)Positioning and Commercial Performance" - 2019, CCMP 2019 Case Study
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "Boardriders distribution strategy Back to the endless summer for Quiksilver?" - 2018, CCMP 2018 Case Study
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "La stratégie de distribution de Boardriders Est-ce le retour à un « été sans fin » pour Quiksilver ?" - 2018, CCMP 2018 Case Study
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO, C.SAINTIVES, "The effects of humor usage by salespersons: the roles of humor type and business sector", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2018, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 599-609 2018 Journal article
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Boardriders Mapping the Perceived Brand Image of QUIKSILVER and ROXY in a Highly Competitive Market" - 2018, CCMP 2018 Case Study
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Cartographie de l'image des marques QUIKSILVER et ROXY du groupe Boardriders" - 2018, CCMP 2018 Case Study
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR, C.SAINTIVES, "L’usage de l’humour par les vendeurs et son impact sur la performance : le rôle de la phase d’exploration et du type d’humour", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2018, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 6-26 2018 Journal article
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "ARENA: “WATER INSTINCT” The marketing problems of being a specialist" - 2017, CCMP 2017 Case Study
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "ARENA : « WATER INSTINCT » La problématique marketing d'être un spécialiste" - 2017, CCMP 2017 Case Study
BOMPAR, L., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "La dynamique de la confiance sur la coopération acheteur / vendeur en B2B", Logistique & Management, 2017, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 253-265 2017 Journal article