Call for Papers: 11th Health Symposium, Marseilles, May 20-&21, 2025
Territories & Innovation in Healthcare
The 11th Symposium is organized in partnership with the Social Participation and Inclusive Cities research team and the Self-Determination and Disability Chair of Université Laval, Université de Trois-Rivières (Québec), and HEC Montréal, as part of the API Territories Chair (inclusive and empowering territories, API-Inclusive, Shared and Welcoming Territories Chair—KEDGE BS) and with the support of the ARAMOS association.
Main theme: “Territories of Innovation in Healthcare”
What constitutes a territory conducive to innovation? What are its characteristics, arrangements, and governance models? What scales are most suitable for action, observation, management, and regulation?
Can the concept of territory serve as a lever to empower vulnerable, precarious, or dependent individuals?
Submissions are expected on the following five themes (in French or English):
- Theme 1. Figures and territories
- Theme 2. Territories for experimentation, spin-offs and sustainable transformation
- Theme 3. Transformative forms of territorial governance
- Theme 4. Public action territories and healthcare innovations
- Theme 5. Territories and the power to act
Any other contributions related to transformations in the health and social fields will also be considered.
Submission Details:
A summary (2-4 pages) is expected by March 2, 2025.
Publication Policy:
- A special issue in an academic journal (to be announced).
- A collective volume in the Health and Innovation Collection, published by ISTE (edited by Corinne Grenier).
- For other papers: the option to submit to JGES (Journal of Health Management and Economics, supported by ARAMOS).
In France, almost one in six people live with a disability, whether visible or not. Promoting a more inclusive society for people with disabilities is a major challenge. To identify and support the levers, resources and mechanisms for co-constructing and co-leading an empowering and inclusive territory that encourages people with disabilities to use the territorial resources to carry out their life project, KEDGE Business School is launching the API Territories research and experimentation Chair (API which stands for a Welcoming, Shared and Inclusive chair). The ARS PACA is funding the work over a 3-year period in four experimental areas.
Over the past few years, the social and healthcare sectors have been improving, with new living facilities being offered (inclusive housing), while medical-social establishments (ESMS) are changing the way they support people with disabilities. However, there are still several restrictions to promote inclusive and enabling territories. The challenge is twofold for the professionals: to promote the 'power to act' of these people to live as normally as possible (access to businesses, schools, cultural and sporting associations, etc.) and to strengthen their 'self-determination' in carrying out their life project.
This is the purpose of the API Territories Chair, supported by KEDGE and financed by the PACA Regional Health Agency (ARS) as part of its mission to define and coordinate regional health policy and transform the medico-social offer. To contribute to the transformation of the medico-social offer through field experiments, the Chair relies on KEDGE's expertise in the field of research and on professional and academic partners for experimentation.
The Chair is structured around four research objectives:
- Promote its role as regional coordinator positioned at the interface between local players, people with disabilities and the professionals who support them.
- Design and run inclusive design workshops, as well as associated activities, to support the construction of a welcoming, shared and Inclusive territory (API) and to support the mobilisation of all for the benefit of people with disabilities.
- Understand the impact of the approach on strengthening the power to act and the self-determination of people with disabilities, through their experiential knowledge.
- Model the dynamics of building and leading the API Territory approach to identify the levers and methods for its dissemination.
The experiment will take place in four different territories and will involve the following professional partners (in addition to academic partners): CIUS Santé, CREAI PACA et Corse and Philae Associés:
- Marseille (13): inclusive housing territory managed by the Simon de Cyrène Marseille association
- Le Cannet (06): new housing territory managed by the AFP France Handicap 06 association
- L'Escarène (06): home for the elderly territory managed by the French Red Cross association
- Orange (84): disability support structures territory managed by the APEI Orange association.
Researchers from KEDGE Business School
Corinne Grenier, senior professor, HDR (authorisation to conduct research), Sustainability centre of excellence member, chair director. Her areas of teaching and research focus on the field of health (and social care) and are interested in the dynamics and methods of transformation and innovation: spaces conducive to innovation, the absorption capacity of organisations, models for the emergence and dissemination of innovation, the governance of innovation support systems, coordination and collaboration practices, and more recently the experiential knowledge of people supported in innovation dynamics....
She is the Health and Innovation collection Director at ISTE / Wiley.
Frédéric Bally, professor, teaches the principles of corporate social responsibility. He also works on territories in transition. Prior to his academic career, Frédéric was a consultant in public policy evaluation.
Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson, professor. Her teaching and research focus on corporate social responsibility and organisational behaviour. She recently conducted research on the employment of people with disabilities.
Chloé Vallée, post-doctoral researcher. With a doctorate in social and cultural anthropology, her research focuses on the field of healthcare, in particular on contemporary transformations in medical paradigms and care and support practices. More broadly, she is interested in the issues raised by the mobilization of questions of autonomy and self-determination in the healthcare field.
Other researchers
Giovany Cajaiba-Santana, professor at the International University of Monaco. His research interests include social issues in management, intervention and participatory research methodologies, social innovation and CSR.
Martin Caouette, psychoeducator and professor in the psychoeducation and social work department at the Université du Québec in Trois-Rivières. He is the head of the Chair in Self-Determination and Disability. His research focuses on three areas: 1) housing, 2) socio-professional and community activities, and 3) the school environment. His work highlights the self-determination of people with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders, as well as the practices of the professionals who work with them.
François Routhier is a professor at Université de Laval's École des sciences de la réadaptation. He is head of the Social Participation and Inclusive Cities team at the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale of the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale. He is the Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation scientific Director. His research interests focus on the development and evaluation of residential/urban developments on the mobility, activity level, autonomy, participation of people with a physical disability who are losing their autonomy, as well as their caregivers.
Karl-Emanuel Dionne is an assistant professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at HEC Montréal and co-founder of Gravity Réadaptation. With a strong focus on interdisciplinary knowledge flows, Karl-Emanuel's research focuses on the role of events, technologies and platforms in collaboration and innovation. He actively develops, studies and teaches how social dynamics shape collaboration processes and explores user-centred and open innovation methods to facilitate and engage diverse stakeholders in co-creation activities. His work focuses on the complex field of collaborative contexts, mainly in the healthcare sector.
Marie-Aline Bloch, Honorary Professor at EHESP, is a researcher and expert renowned for her work on coordination and collaboration in the field of health and social care, and its evolution in terms of public policy, the transformation of supply and organisational innovations, and the evolution of professions and skills. She is the Simon de Cyrène national federation Director.
Bastien Tavner is a sociologist and head of the Usages department at the Centre d'Innovation et d'Usages en Santé (CIUS). Specializing in the study of innovation processes centered on usage, he holds a PhD in sociology from the Economic and Social Sciences department of Télécom Paris. After several research projects devoted to studying the uses of innovative health devices and analyzing sociotechnical controversies in the public space, he joined the CIUS to lead two complementary missions: (1) the development and implementation of protocols for analyzing the uses of innovative solutions in the fields of health, well-being and “ageing well” and (2) participation in work to structure and implement a third place for digital health experimentation in the Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur region: the Quatre Vingt. Since 2018, he has also been in charge of an M1 course devoted to the sociology of uses at the Université Côte d'Azur.