Internships and exchanges abroad: Enhancing your international CV with KEDGE Business School

Internships, university exchanges, and initial professional projects abroad significantly enrich your employability. These experiences foster crucial soft skills like adaptability, independence, and self-assurance. Explore the multitude of advantages these opportunities offer and their transformative impact on your career trajectory.

Enriching your academic journey with internships and exchanges

Starting from the undergraduate level, whether in a bachelor’s or master’s programme, internships abroad offer unique and enriching experiences on several fronts. Firstly, they enable students to discover the world in a tangible way, fostering open-mindedness and a deep understanding of local cultures. Moreover, they significantly bolster your CV by providing the chance to develop essential skills such as teamwork in a multicultural setting, communication abilities through interaction with international colleagues, and the ability to swiftly adapt to new organisational dynamics. Additionally, these internships provide diverse professional experiences and the opportunity to build an international network of contacts.

An exchange abroad also offers substantial personal and professional benefits. It allows for immersion in a new culture, thereby enhancing language and communication skills through daily practice. Experiencing new ways of life broadens students' perspectives and develops their intercultural competencies, which are highly valued by employers. Professionally, an exchange boosts employability and opens up networking opportunities: these interactions can lead to collaborations and job prospects in various fields. This immersion also helps students understand and adapt to different management structures and work styles, strengthening their adaptability and resilience.

Internationalisation at the core of KEDGE Business School's programmes

KEDGE Business School’s diverse range of generalist, post-baccalaureate, and specialised programmes emphasise the internationalisation of education:

  • The Bachelor in Management, accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, provides a comprehensive three-year education with a six-month international experience, allowing students to grasp the fundamentals of management while developing a global outlook through an internship or academic exchange abroad.
  • For students in the Grande École (MIM) programme, internationalisation is key, with varied opportunities including university exchanges in over 179 partner universities, a possible gap year, international internships, and the innovative Pro Act Be-U Nomad programme. This initiative allows students to develop their professional and personal skills through diverse projects in entrepreneurship or sustainable development. As part of this programme, Alexandre chose to sail around the Atlantic to spread hope and raise awareness about cystic fibrosis and organ donation: "This journey holds special significance. Through this adventure and my personal story, I wanted to show anyone with a disease or disability that they can achieve their dreams, that they can see things through, that they must dare to move forward."
  • The EBP International programme stands out with its extended immersion abroad, where students spend up to three and a half years between study semesters in partner universities and international internships, allowing them to earn up to three international degrees and master several languages.
  • Finally, the International BBA offers a comprehensive two and a half years international education, with a minimum of four semesters abroad and opportunities for dual degrees in renowned universities worldwide. This programme is designed to train multicultural professionals ready to tackle the challenges of a globalised market.
  • The Masters of Science also offer a variety of options with a strong international dimension. In the first year, students can undertake an internship abroad, a learning trip abroad, or a professional project, all with a significant international component. In the second year, most MSc programmes include a study trip, allowing students to explore sectors such as international trade, digital marketing, and wine and spirits management through enriching trips to places like Brussels, Antwerp, Sicily, or South Africa. The specialisation year also includes a 4 to 6-month internship abroad. Laurena and Romain, students in the MSc Business Transformation for Sustainability, recently shared their experience: "We had the privilege of interning with an NGO in New Delhi. Being in daily contact with children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly in the slums, deeply moved me in a positive way. It was a true joy to share our knowledge with them, to see their engagement, to open up to the world, and meet people who welcomed us with open arms into their daily lives. We are immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to live such an adventure."