Creative Industries & Culture

Contributions & Publications Activities & news Networks 

Created in 2004, the Creative Industries & Culture Research Centre aims to produce and disseminate knowledge on the management of the arts, culture and creative industries. Since 2021, it has been part of KEDGE Arts School, the institute that runs the Research Centre and its teaching programmes.

The centre focuses on the social inclusion of players in the production process and markets. It also examines the nature of creative and cultural goods and the conditions under which they are produced. Its researchers study the behaviour of French, European and international creative and cultural organisations, both for-profit and not-for-profit, public and private,  whatever the size, in order to help them manage more effectively.

Research areas

The values of the Creative Industries & Culture expertise centre emphasise art, culture, creation, creativity, imagination, aesthetics, divergence, diversity and social inclusion, networks, complexity, freedom, transformation, and experience.

Research agenda organised around sectoral research areas:

  • Arts & Heritage (including religion),
  • Cultural Industries,
  • Creative services (including design, digital and education),
  • Taste Industries (including Fashion, Crafts, Food…),
  • Leisure & Entertainment (including Tourism),
  • Contextual Creativity (including Creative Territories, Creative Organisations).

Main research interests:

Strategic management of cultural and creative organisations, Arts and Culture Marketing, Cultural Consumer behaviour, Creative careers, Organisational creativity, Liberated enterprise, Creative regions, Design management, Reputation and events, Creative tourism, Social innovation, etc.


Anne GOMBAULT - Management
​​KEDGE Arts School Director
Arts, heritage, creative tourism, creative regions

Maud DERBAIX - Marketing
Research Centre Creative Industries & Culture Director  
Cultural consumer behaviour, music

Marek PROKUPEK - Management
Arts management, cultural economics, art finance and art market

Claire GRELLIER FOUILLET – Management (doctoral student)
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Tourism

Pascale AUGER – Management
Creativity, innovation, spirituality

Vinca BIGO - Management
Spirituality, yoga, liberated company

Jean-Philippe DANGLADE - Marketing
Entertainment, sport

Aurélien DECAMPS – Economy
Creative territories, sustainable development, social innovation

Evelyne LOMBARDO - Information systems
Information and communication technology, mediation

Nacima OURAHMOUNE - Marketing
Luxury marketing, consumer culture theory, gender studies

Natural materials, design thinking, social innovation