Accounting, Finance & Economics Download CV

Adam ELAGE, Ph.D. in Management Sciences, is Professor of Financial Accounting and Corporate Finance at KEDGE BS (France). His research focuses on the following themes: accounting and real earnings management, corporate governance, as well as the company's financial performance.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    ELAGE, A., S. BEN LARBI, A. DARDOUR, "CEO Incentive Pay and Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from French Companies", European Management Journal, 2024, pp. 1-12 2024 Journal article
    DARDOUR, A., A. ELAGE, Z. JI, "Sustainable Supply Chain Management and CEO Compensation: Does CSR Committee Matter?", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2024 2024 Journal article
    ELAGE, A., S. BEN LARBI, A. DARDOUR, "Rémunération des dirigeants, structure de l’actionnariat et performance sociétale des entreprises", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, 2023, vol. 4, no. 157, pp. 277-304 2023 Journal article
    ELAGE, A., A. DARDOUR, "CEO Incentive Pay and Real Earnings Management: Does Corporate Ownership Structure Matter? Evidence from French Listed Companies", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 2021, no. NS-11 2021 Journal article
    ELAGE, A., A. DARDOUR, "L’impact de l’approche «appliquer ou expliquer» sur le degré de conformité des entreprises aux codes de gouvernance", Management & Avenir, 2020, no. 116, pp. 15-36 2020 Journal article
    ELAGE, A., Y. MARD, "Code de gouvernance et gestion des résultats comptables : le cas des sociétés françaises cotées", Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 2018, vol. 2, no. 24, pp. 113-147 2018 Journal article
    Teaching domains


    • Financial Accounting


    Research domains

    Financial Accounting

    Corporate Finance


    Financial Management

    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    Comment le Covid-19 impacte-t-il la rémunération des dirigeants des grandes sociétés ? Ali DARDOUR Expert’s view