Alexandra COUSTON

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Alexandra Couston holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Aix Marseille, focusing on coopetition strategies. She is currently a senior lecturer at KEDGE BS in the field of marketing. She has published in academic journals such as Management International, Gestion et Management Public, Management Sciences, the RSG, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Higher Education Quaterly and has spoken in media such as The Conversation, Institut de la Gestion Publique et du Développement Économique, on cooperation, public-private partnerships, alliances and change in organizations. After working in marketing and communications for SMEs since 1987, in 2001 she created the EGCMP bac+3 school & Euromed Bachelor program within the Euromed Management group, which she joined in 2007. She then held the positions of Director of Communications, Director of post-baccalaureate programs (PMF, CESEMED, KEDGE bachelor), and Deputy Director of Innovation and Cross-functional Projects for KEDGE programs. In 2020, she creates the École entrepreneuriale, an inclusion program for 18-30 year-olds with entrepreneurial potential who have dropped out of school. In 2021, she launches the Hub des Talents project and teaching assistants for KEDGE BS's undergraduate programs, to limit the dropout rate in higher education by supporting the progress of new bachelors students. She is interested in entrepreneurship, organizational change, educational innovation, institutional marketing, public management and public-private cooperation. She also assists small and medium-sized businesses in managing contentious issues, making strategic choices and moving forward.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    GUYOTTO , O., A. COUSTON, S. TRAN, "The Impact of Coopetition on Student Recruitment in Higher Education: A Study of French Business Schools' Admission Strategy", Higher Education Quarterly, 2025, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. e12587 2025 Journal article
    MALEVICIUS, R., A. HEINZE, A. COUSTON, "Navigating global challenges" in Digital and Social Media Marketing A Results-Driven Approach, 3rd Edition., Heinze, A, Fletcher, G, Cruz, A and Fenton, A. Eds, Routledge, pp. 23 - 50, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    COUSTON, A., F. DURRIEU, I. PIGNATEL, T. WHITE - "GOLD BOND: The high stakes of dermocosmetics at Sanofi" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    CHENAVAZ, R., A. COUSTON, S. HEICHELBECH, I. PIGNATEL, S. DIMITROV, "Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 8849 2023 Journal article
    COUSTON, A., F. DURRIEU, I. PIGNATEL - "Gold Bond ou l’enjeu de la dermocosmétique pour Sanofi" - 2023, CCMP, Bordeaux, France 2023 Case Study
    COUSTON, A., "Le diagnostic interne et les matrices de gestion de portefeuilles d’activités" in Marketing pour une société responsable : Se former au marketing et transformer le marketing., Association Française du Marketing (AFM) Ed., Association Française de Marketing, vol. wiki book, chap. 4, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    COUSTON, A., I. PIGNATEL, M. L. GRISOLI, "L’étude d’un partenariat public-privé à la lumière de la nouvelle gouvernance publique : Le cas de la construction d’une communauté d’universités et d’établissements dans l’enseignement supérieur français", Management International, 2021, vol. 25, no. numéro spécial, 2021, pp. 165–185 2021 Journal article
    COUSTON, A., M. GRISOLI, "De l'appropriation des contraintes à l'initiative stratégique : L’'étude de deux constructions institutionnelles universitaires", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, February 2020, vol. 136/2020, no. 136, pp. 67-96 2020 Journal article
    COUSTON, A., F. LARAT, R. FOUCHET, O. KERAMIDAS, "Les stratégies d’alliance à l’international des universités françaises et des écoles de service public: l’apport de l’analyse en termes de coopétition", Gestion et Management Public, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 13-29 2019 Journal article
    COUSTON, A., I. PIGNATEL, "De l’institution à l’acteur : le rôle de la légitimité dans le changement institutionnel, le cas de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (ESR)", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, Winter 2018, no. 127, pp. 243-270 2018 Journal article
    COUSTON, A., I. PIGNATEL, "PhDs and business: nonsense or a real opportunity.", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Winter 2018, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 49-58 2018 Journal article
    COUSTON, A., I. PIGNATEL, "L’adéquation de la formation doctorale en France aux besoins de l’entreprise : l’éclairage par les compétences.", Revue Sciences de Gestion, Fall 2017, vol. 52éme annnée, no. 287-288, pp. 23-30 2017 Journal article
    Teaching domains




    Research domains

    Organizational Behavior


    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    Les coulisses de la filière viticole en temps de crise None Expert’s view
    Food, wine & hospitality
    Pourquoi les millennials aiment tant le rosé None Published in The Conversation
    Food, wine & hospitality
    L’entretien annuel d’évaluation, l’outil oublié pour détecter les talents Isabelle PIGNATEL Published in The Conversation
    Healthcare & Innovation