Christophe GARONNE

Strategy-Sustainability-Entrepreneurship Download CV

Christophe Garonne, Professor of Entrepreneurship. Christophe received his PhD from The Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Previously, he worked in Japan, Australia and South America. His research focuses on the emergence process of start-ups and on non-predictive strategies. Christophe guides start-ups and large international firms in their strategic choices and the implementation of their entrepreneurial innovations.              

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    GARONNE, C. - "Les Applications de Suivi des Activités Physiques: Aller au Delà de ses Attentes" - 2024, ECCH, London, Great Britain 2024 Case Study
    GARONNE, C. - "Fitness Tracking Applications: Go Above and Beyond" - 2024, ECCH, London, Great Britain 2024 Case Study
    GARONNE, C. - "Strava: à la conquête d'une nouvelle ère" - 2024, ECCH, London, Great Britain 2024 Case Study
    GARONNE, C. - "Strava: Striving to Enter a New Era" - 2024, ECCH, London, Great Britain 2024 Case Study
    GARONNE, C. - "Lime: Les challenges de la micromobilité en France" - 2023, ECCH, London, Great Britain 2023 Case Study
    GARONNE, C. - "Lime : Micro-mobility challenges in France" - 2023, ECCH, London, Great Britain 2023 Case Study
    GARONNE, C. - "La micromobilité en France" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France 2023 Case Study
    GARONNE, C. - "Micromobility in France" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France 2023 Case Study
    HAWI, A., F. AL-KUWARI, C. GARONNE, "Entrepreneurship Development in Qatar" in Entrepreneurial Rise in the Middle East and North Africa: The Quadruple Helix Influence on Technological Innovation., Ed., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. Advanced Strategies in Entrepreneurship, Education and Ecology, pp. 29-52, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    DURÁN-ROMERO, G., A. M. LÓPEZ, T. BELIAEVA, M. FERASSO, C. GARONNE, P. JONES, "Bridging the gap between circular economy and climate change mitigation policies through eco-innovations and Quintuple Helix Model", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, vol. 160, pp. 120246 2020 Journal article
    GARONNE, C., C.DI MARTINELLY , A.DUENAS, "The Impact of Health Policy on The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain In France", Value in Health, 2017, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. A709 2017 Journal article
    GARONNE, C., P.DAVIDSSON, "An Exploration of the Phenomenon of Business Planning in Nascent and Young Firms" in Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth. Models of Start-Up Thinking & Action: Theoretical, Empirical, & Pedagogical Approaches., Ed., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 18, chap. 6, pp. 213-236, 2016 2016 Book chapter
    GARONNE, C., F.WEYGAND - "A New player in the mobile communication industry : How did Free Mobile enter the French market ?" - 2016, ECCH, France 2016 Case Study
    GARONNE, C., F.WEYGAND - "Content creation in the early days in the digital economy : The exemple of Cityvox" - 2016, ECCH 2016 Case Study
    Teaching domains


    • Strategy - Entrepreneurship - Innovation
    Research domains


    • Entrepreneurship - Business modelling - Business Planning
    Kedge Insights
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