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Florence Crespin-Mazet is Senior Professor of Marketing at KEDGE Business School and Academic Director of the Business Engineering Program of KBS in Toulon. She obtained her PhD at the University of Manchester (2007) on co-development as a marketing strategy in project business. Florence also holds a DEA from the University Lyon 3, an MBA from Illinois State University (USA), as well as an MSc degree from ESSCA Business School. She specializes in business-to-business marketing, as well as the marketing and negotiation of projects and complex solutions.  Her current research interests focus on the development of relational and services logics in project business; innovation in networks; knowing communities as alternative modes of knowledge development as well as innovation in the construction industry. Florence is an active member of the KCO Community of Kedge Business School (https://kco.kedge.edu) gathering both academics and practicioners, sharing the same interest for exploring  the role of communities in the firm's development. She is a co-editor of the KCO book on community management (more than 50 contributors). Florence has worked with several large organisations including Air Liquide, Arcadis, Bouygues, EDF, Kéolis, Saint-Gobain, Spie batignolles, Safran, and Schneider-Electric both on resarch projects and excutive education programs.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    D'ANTONE, S., F. CRESPIN MAZET, K. GOGLIO, G. FUSCHILLO, "Resilience capabilities of emerging social collectives: against persistent adversities to benefit their territories" Forthcoming Management Decision 2024 Journal article
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., G. PARMENTIER, "What is a community + Consumer communities + the value of communities + how to facilitate a community + communities as a new source of value creation for Laerdal Medical + Legitimizing the community at the institutional level" in The practical guide to communities - a new lease on life for organizations., Editions d'Innovation Ed., Editions d'Innovation, vol. 1, chap. 81, pp. 24 - 36 - 74-103-216-227, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    GOGLIO, K., P. COHENDET, F. CRESPIN MAZET, L. SIMON, "Managing with communities for innovation, agility, and resilience", European Management Journal, 2023, vol. 27, pp. 534-539 2023 Journal article
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., O. DUPOUËT, K. GOGLIO, M. NEUKAM , "Harnessing Internal Communities: the role of intermediary structures", Management International, 2023, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 65-76 2023 Journal article
    PARMENTIER, G., F. CRESPIN MAZET, K. GOGLIO, C. THIESSE, L.-P. GUILLAUME, "Le guide pratique des communautés", Editions d'Innovation, Grenoble, France, 2022 2022 Book
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., M. HAVENVID, "Rethinking the theory-practice divide: how academia-industry collaboration contributes to theorising", Industrial Marketing Management, 2021, vol. 92, pp. 277-288 2021 Journal article
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., K. GOGLIO-PRIMARD, M. HAVENVID , Å. LINNÉ, "The diffusion of innovation in project-based firms – Linking the temporary and the permanent levels of organizations”?", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1692-1705 2021 Journal article
    GOGLIO-PRIMARD, K., O. DE SURREL DE SAINT JULIEN, F. CRESPIN MAZET, "Fertilizing the Indian milieu of ocular and plastic surgery in Delhi: the role of a global agent" in Communities of Innovation: How organizations harness collective creativity and build resilience., P. Cohendet; M. Rao, E. Ruiz, B. Sarazin, L. Simon Eds, World Scientific, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., A.INGEMANSSON HAVENVID, A.LINNÉ, "Organising communities for construction innovation — examples from the French and Swedish construction sectors" in The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry., Havenvid M., Linne A., Bygballe L. & Harty C. Eds, Routledge, pp. 306, 2019 2019 Book chapter
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., F.ROMESTANT, R.SALLE, "The co-development of innovative projects in CoPS activities", Industrial Marketing Management, 2019, vol. 79, pp. 71-83 2019 Journal article
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., K.GOGLIO-PRIMARD, C.GRENIER, ""Social Collectives: A Partial Form of Organizing That Supports Social Innovation"", Management International, 2017, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 33-44 2017 Journal article
    CRESPIN MAZET, F., P.JACOB - "Business Development au Yakastan Oriental ou comment agir avec le marketing d'affaires" - 2017, CCMP, France 2017 Case Study
    Teaching domains


    • Business-to-business marketing, complex solutions
    • project and complex solutions
    • Complex, btob negotiation
    • Solutions Marketing
    Research domains


    • Innovation in project activities


    • Project marketing & systems selling

    Knowledge Management

    • Knowledge Management, knowledge communities, communities of practice
    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    De l’informel au formel : les communautés produisent de connaissances, l’entreprise en profite Karine GOGLIO Publication highlight