Publication |
Year of publication |
Type of publication |
PONSIGNON, F., D. JAUD, F. DURRIEU, R. LUNARDO, "The ability of experience design characteristics to elicit epistemic value, hedonic value and visitor satisfaction in a wine museum", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2024, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 2582-2600 |
2024 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., R. LUNARDO, M. BAUMAN, "Seeking relief or reward? A utilitarian-hedonic journey perspective on escapism", European Journal of Marketing, 2024, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1543-1565 |
2024 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., L. MATHIEU, F. DURRIEU, "Understanding the drivers of patient satisfaction with home health care services: an empirical study of two care pathways", International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2023, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1644-1656 |
2023 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., L. PHILLIPS, P. A. SMART, N. LOW, "Designing the service delivery system for prevention-oriented goals: insights from two case studies", Journal of Service Management, 2023, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 22-45 |
2023 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., "Making the customer experience journey more hedonic in a traditionally utilitarian service context: a case study", Journal of Service Management, 2023, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 294-315 |
2023 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., G. BAROUCH, "Quality Management" in Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management., Jacob Dahl Rendtorff; Maria Bonnafous-Boucher Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 304-308, 2023 |
2023 |
Book chapter |
PONSIGNON, F., J. HOLMQVIST, "A Framework for Designing Visitor Experiences in Branded Tourist Attractions: Insights from a Luxury Cognac Brand", Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2023 |
2023 |
Journal article |
DADICH, A., R. WELLS, S. WILLIAMS, N. TASKIN, M. COSKUN, F. PONSIGNON, C. GRENIER, S. SCAHILL, S. BEST, "Cues Disseminated by Professional Associations That Represent 5 Health Care Professions Across 5 Nations: Lexical Analysis of Tweets", Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023, vol. 25, pp. e42927 |
2023 |
Journal article |
FLORA, L., C. GRENIER, F. PONSIGNON, L’expérience dans l’innovation en santé modes éphémères ou nouveau paradigme ?, ISTE Editions, London, 2023 |
2023 |
Book |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, F. PONSIGNON, "Assessing and improving service co-creation: the customer-centric matrix", International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2023, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 97-114 |
2023 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., M. AMIRI AREF, R. LUNARDO, T. BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, "Assisting visitor path creation in experiential tourist attractions", Tourism Management Perspectives, 2023, vol. 49, pp. 101187 |
2023 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., "Using focus groups to conduct rigorous and impactful qualitative research in operations management" in Qualitative Research: Voices in Management Sciences., Françoise Chevalier L. Martin Cloutier Nathalie Mitev Ed., EMS, pp. 195-218, 2022 |
2022 |
Book chapter |
PONSIGNON, F., "Gestion des opérations et transformation digitale : groupes de discussion" in Témoignages dans les sciences de gestion., Ed., EMS, pp. 185-219, 2022 |
2022 |
Book chapter |
GUYADER, H., F. PONSIGNON, F. SALIGNAC, N. BOJOVIC, "Beyond a mediocre customer experience in the circular economy: The satisfaction of contributing to the ecological transition", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, vol. 378, pp. 134495 |
2022 |
Journal article |
BAROUCH, G., F. PONSIGNON, "La pandémie du Covid-19: analyse de la crise et choix de politiques publiques favorisant la sortie de cette crise systémique", Gestion et Management Public, 2021, vol. No Spécial, pp. 179-184 |
2021 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., P. DAVIES, A. SMART, R. S. MAULL, "An in-depth case study of a modular service delivery system in a logistics context", International Journal of Logistics Management, 2021, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 872-897 |
2021 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., A. SMART, J. SMITH, "Development and validation of a measurement scale for the experience capability construct", Journal of Service Management, 2021, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 315-345 |
2021 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., R. LUNARDO, M. MICHRAFY, "Why Are International Visitors More Satisfied with the Tourism Experience? The Role of Hedonic Value, Escapism, and Psychic Distance", Journal of Travel Research, 2021, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 1771-1786 |
2021 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., M. DERBAIX, "The impact of interactive technologies on the social experience: An empirical study in a cultural tourism context", Tourism Management Perspectives, 2020, vol. 35, pp. 100723 |
2020 |
Journal article |
LUNARDO, R., F. PONSIGNON, "Achieving immersion in the tourism experience: The role of autonomy, temporal dissociation, and reactance", Journal of Travel Research, 2020, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 1151-1167 |
2020 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., J.SMITH, J.JAYARAM, J.WOLTER, "Service recovery system antecedents: a contingency theory investigation", Journal of Service Management, 2019, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 276-300 |
2019 |
Journal article |
BRESSOLLES, G., F.PONSIGNON, QSE et digital: soyez moteurs de la transformation, Afnor Editions , Paris, 2019 |
2019 |
Book |
PONSIGNON, F., S. KLEINHANS, G. BRESSOLLES, "The Contribution of Quality Management to an Organisation’s Digital Transformation: a Qualitative Study", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2019, vol. 30, no. Sup1, pp. S17-S34 |
2019 |
Journal article |
BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, T., F. PONSIGNON, F. DURRIEU, J.-O. PESME, "How to design a wine museum? Insights from La Cité du Vin in Bordeaux“" in Management And Marketing Of Wine Tourism Businesses: Theory, Practice And Cases”., Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, vol. Vol 2, pp. 279-295, 2019 |
2019 |
Book chapter |
PONSIGNON, F., A.SMART, L.PHILLIPS, "A customer journey perspective on service delivery system design: insights from healthcare", International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2018, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 2328-2347 |
2018 |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., S.KLEINHANS, G.BRESSOLLES, Vers la qualité 4.0 : Apports croisés de la fonction qualité et de la transformation digitale, AFNOR Editions, Paris, France, 2018 |
2018 |
Book |
DURRIEU, F., F.PONSIGNON, T.BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA - "La Cité du Vin” case study: Assessing and improving customer experience design in the wine tourism sector" - 2018, CCMP |
2018 |
Case Study |
PONSIGNON, F., B.AGERON, O.LAVASTRE, P.LAURA, "Servitization and supply chain management: Preliminary evidence from a servitized organization" in Projet et Logistique., Ed., ESKA-MA éditions, chap. 2, pp. 19-31, 2017 |
2017 |
Book chapter |
PONSIGNON, F., F.DURRIEU, T.BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, "Customer experience design: a case study in the cultural sector", Journal of Service Management, 2017, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 763-787 |
2017 |
Journal article |
BAROUCH, G., F.PONSIGNON, "The epistemological basis for quality management", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2016, vol. 27, no. 7/8, pp. 944-962 |
2016 |
Journal article |
CONTIERO, E., F.PONSIGNON, P.SMART, A.VINELLI, "Contingencies and characteristics of service recovery system design", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2016, vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 1644-1667 |
2016 |
Journal article |