Giulia Pavone is permanent professor and researcher at KEDGE Business School. She obtained her Ph.D. in Management Sciences at the University Toulouse 1 Capitole - Toulouse School of Management. Her thesis received several awards: the Best Thesis Award of the French Marketing Association (AFM) (2022), the Special Thesis Award of the Adetem Circle (2022), and the Sphinx Best Thesis Award (2022). Her research interests focus on the interactions between consumers and artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies, with a particular interest in factors affecting trust and intentions to use smart technologies, and the ethics of AI. She teaches AI and the ethics of AI in the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE), and the management of technology and digital transformation in the specialised master marketing digital and data. She has published her research in international journals, such as Journal of Interactive Marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing and Journal of Service Management Research.