Marketing Download CV

Johanna Volpert is Associate Professor of Marketing at KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux Campus). She graduated in economics and management from ENS Cachan, where she chose to specialize in both accounting and marketing. She holds a PhD in marketing from the Sorbonne Business School. Her previous teaching experiences consist of various courses at universities, business schools, hospitality schools and preparatory classes (“classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles de commerce”). Her research interests include brand heritage and brand resurrection. She also actively contributes to the vulgarization of scientific research through her blog Marketing research according to Johanna Volpert.  

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    VOLPERT, J., J.-P. DANGLADE - "Comment Netflix entend renforcer sa position sur le marché ultra concurrentiel du streaming ?" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    VOLPERT, J. - "Nutella : une position dominante sur le marché des pâtes à tartiner" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    VOLPERT, J. - "Cémoi : l'adaptation en continu sur le marché du chocolat" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    VOLPERT, J. - "Gucci" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    VOLPERT, J., G. MICHEL, "Brand resurrections: How past and present narrations impact consumer reactions towards resurrected utilitarian brands", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 153, pp. 479-493 2022 Journal article
    VOLPERT, J., Fiches d'Introduction à la comptabilité, Ellipses, Paris, France, 2019 2019 Book
    VOLPERT, J., "L’Entreprise commerciale et son droit" in Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 525-534, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    VOLPERT, J., "La Protection du consommateur" in Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 611-621, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    VOLPERT, J., "La Protection du marché" in Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 551-560, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    Teaching domains


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    Brands & Branding

    Kedge Insights
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    Aya Nakamura, un bon choix pour les JO ? None Publication highlight
    Marketing & new consumption