Johannes KRAAK

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Johannes M. KRAAK is Associate Professor in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior and is the director of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainability at Kedge Business School. He holds a PhD in Human Resources Management from the University of Toulouse 1 (Toulouse School of Management) and a HDR from Bordeaux University. He has held positions as a visiting professor at Calgary University (Canada), North-West University (South-Africa), Macquarie University (Australia), and Radboud University (The Netherlands). Johannes is Associate Editor at Group & Organization Management. His research focuses primarily on the exchanges between employers and employees in the wider context of the employment relationship but he also conducts crossover studies in International Human Resource Management, International Management, Service Marketing and CSR/sustainability issues. His previous projects have included expatriates, military personnel, older workers and service employees.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    KRAAK, J., C. LAKSHMAN, Y. GRIEP, "From top gun to the daily grind: Contextualizing psychological contract breach for military pilots" in Addressing Gaps and Advancing Scholarship in the Study of Psychological Contracts: Charting Directions for a New Research Era., Bankins, S., Griep, Y., Hansen, S. Eds, Routledge, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    GRIEP, Y., S. HANSEN, J. KRAAK, "The Dynamic Influence of Personality on Psychological Contract Evaluations: a 2‑Study Investigation of Approach/Avoidance Goals and Emotion Regulation Strategies", Journal of Business and Psychology, 2024 2024 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., J. KRAAK, S. HANSEN, "Advancing psychological contract scholarship" in The Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology., Cooper, C., Brough, P., Anderson, V. L. Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 10-14, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    GRIEP, Y., T. VANDER ELST, J. KRAAK, S. HANSEN, E. BEEKMAN, "Temporal Proximity Matters: The Impact of Justice Information Timing on Psychological Contract Breach Resolution", Group and Organization Management, 2024 2024 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., Y. GRIEP, Y. ALTMAN, "Self-initiated expatriates in menial jobs: Destructive psychological contracts in the hospitality sector", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2024, vol. Vol 45, Issue 2, pp. 447-469 2024 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., S. HANSEN, Y. GRIEP, S. BHATTACHARYA, N. BOJOVIC, M.-R. DIEHL, K. EVANS, J. FENNEMAN, I. MEMON, M. FORTIN, A. LAU, G. H. LEE, J. LEE, X. LUB, I. MEYER, M. OHANA, P. PETERS, D. ROUSSEAU, R. SCHALK, R. SEARLE, U. SHERMAN, A. TEKLEAB, "In Persuit of Impact: How Psychological Contract Research Can Make the Work-World a Better Place", Group and Organization Management, 2024 2024 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., M. FAGET, "Safety at work" in Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology., Bal, M. Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 630-634, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    GRIEP, Y., J. KRAAK, J. FENNEMAN, A. JIMENEZ, X. LUB, "You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours: Unethical pro-organizational behavior and deviance in response to different psychological contract states", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 156, pp. 113537 2023 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., S. BANKINS, J. KRAAK, U. SHERMAN, S. HANSEN, "Sustainable Psychological Contracts : A Pathway for Addressing Precarious Employment" in Tackling Precarious Work., Stuart C. Carr, Veronica Hopner, Darrin J. Hodgetts, Megan Young Eds, CSC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    GRIEP, Y., S. HANSEN, J. KRAAK, "Perceived identity threat and organizational cynicism in the recursive relationship between psychological contract breach and counterproductive work behavior", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2023, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 351–384 2023 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., J. KRAAK, E. BEEKMAN, "Sustainability is Dead, Long Live Sustainability! Paving the Way to Include ‘The People’ in Sustainability", Group and Organization Management, 2023, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 966–980 2023 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., Y. GRIEP, R. LUNARDO, Y. ALTMAN, "The effects of host country language proficiency on the relationship between psychological contract breach, violation, and work behaviors: A moderated mediation model", European Management Journal, 2023 2023 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., Y. GRIEP, "High-Quality Employment Relationships: Sustainable Management Through a Psychological Contract Perspective" in Sustainability and Intelligent Management., Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 1-19, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    KRAAK, J., Y. GRIEP, P. BARBAROUX, C. LAKSHMAN, "Turnover intentions and safety compliance in the military: A psychological contract perspective", BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 2022, vol. 0, no. 0 2022 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., L. LUKIC, J. KRAAK, S. BOHLE, L. JIANG, T. VANDER ELST, H. DE WITTE, "The chicken or the egg: The reciprocal relationship between job insecurity and mental health complaints", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 126, pp. 170-186 2021 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., L. GERMEYS, J. KRAAK, "Unpacking the Relationship Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior: Moral Licensing and Temporal Focus", Group and Organization Management, 2021, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 819-856 2021 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., I. VRANJES, J. KRAAK, L. DUDDA, Y. LI, "Start Small, not Random: Why does Justifying your Time-Lag Matter?", The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2021, vol. 24, no. e45, pp. 1-6 2021 Journal article
    LAKSHMAN, C., S. BACOUEL-JENTJENS, J. KRAAK, "Attributional Complexity of Monoculturals and Biculturals: Implications for Cross-cultural Competence ?", Journal of World Business, 2021, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 101241 2021 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., C. LAKSHMAN, Y. GRIEP, "From top gun to the daily grind: contextualizing psychological contract breach for military pilots", European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, 2020, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 243-261 2020 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., C.COOPER, D.ROUSSEAU, S.HANSEN, M.TOMPROU, J.KRAAK, "Psychological contracts: back to the future" in Handbook of Research on the Psychological Contract at Work., Yannick Griep, Cary Cooper Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 397-414, 2019 2019 Book chapter
    KRAAK, J., B.LINDE, "The usefulness of the psychological contract in the 21st century" in Handbook of Research on the Psychological Contract at Work., Yannick Griep, Cary Cooper Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 101-121, 2019 2019 Book chapter
    FERNANDES, A. J. S., A. JIMENEZ, D. TSAGDIS, J. KRAAK, "Managing political risk in the oil and gas industry in a developing economy: the case of BP in Angola", European J. of International Management, 2019, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 733-755 2019 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., M.RUSSO, A.JIMENEZ, "Work-life balance psychological contract perceptions for older workers", Personnel Review, 2018, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1194-1220 2018 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., Y. ALTMAN, A. LAGUECIR-DERUJINSKY, "Psychological Contract Meets Cultural Theory: A Study of Self-Initiated Expatriates", International Studies of Management & Organization, 2018, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 386-402 2018 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., M. RUSSO, J. KRAAK, G. F. JIANG, "Corruption and Private Participation Projects in Central and Eastern Europe", Management International Review (Gabler), 2017, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 775-792 2017 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., J.HOLMQVIST, "The authentic service employee: Service employees' language use for authentic service experiences", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 72, pp. 199-209 2017 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., R.LUNARDO, O.HERRBACH, F.DURRIEU, "Promises to employees matter, self-identity too: Effects of psychological contract breach and older worker identity on violation and turnover intentions", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 70, pp. 108-117 2017 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., F.FIGGE, A.HOEPNER, D.HOLT, J.KRAAK, P.YU, "Media Coverage of Climate Change: An International Comparison", Environment and Planning C, 2017, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1029-1054 2017 Journal article
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