Recent publications
Publication | Year of publication | Type of publication |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Bank Liquidity and Asset Management: The Silicon Valley Bank case" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | 2024 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, C. GRENIER - "La stratégie de co-création dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France | 2023 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Investment Choices: Arbitrating between ordinary, innovative and ecological projects" - 2023, CCMP | 2023 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Production of Electric Vehicle Battery: International Success Factors" - 2023, CCMP | 2023 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Les conflits dans les canaux de distribution : Le cas d’Apple" - 2023, CCMP | 2023 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, F. PONSIGNON, "Assessing and improving service co-creation: the customer-centric matrix", International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2023, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 97-114 | 2023 | Journal article |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Investing in undervalued stocks: The case of electrical equipment companies" - 2022, CCMP | 2022 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Honda motos : Analyse stratégique du positionnement international" - 2022, CCMP | 2022 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, B. GUILHON - "Le développement de la 5G : La procédure d’attribution des fréquences aux enchères" - 2021, CCMP | 2021 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Jeux boursiers : Biais comportementaux et rentabilité d’un portefeuille d’actions" - 2021, CCMP | 2021 | Case Study |
BOUBAKER, S., A. CHATMI, K. ELASRI - "Stock Market Game: Behavioral biases and equity portfolio profitability" - 2021, CCMP | 2021 | Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, B. GUILHON - "The procedure for allocating frequencies at auctions" - 2021, CCMP | 2021 | Case Study |
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Research domains