Accounting, Finance & Economics Download CV

Karim Elasri is an associate professor in finance at KEDGE Business School and a research fellow at CERGAM, Aix-Marseille Université Research Centre in Management He holds an Engineer’s degree from Polytech Nancy and a Ph.D. in Economics, Finance and International Business from Aix-Marseille University. He has also spent one year at Chalmers University in Sweden. His field of research concerns international finance, investment strategy, innovation strategy and international business. He has published in Brussels Economic Review, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Revue d'Economie Industrielle and Journal of High Technology Management Research.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Bank Liquidity and Asset Management: The Silicon Valley Bank case" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, C. GRENIER - "La stratégie de co-création dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France 2023 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Investment Choices: Arbitrating between ordinary, innovative and ecological projects" - 2023, CCMP 2023 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Production of Electric Vehicle Battery: International Success Factors" - 2023, CCMP 2023 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Les conflits dans les canaux de distribution : Le cas d’Apple" - 2023, CCMP 2023 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, F. PONSIGNON, "Assessing and improving service co-creation: the customer-centric matrix", International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2023, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 97-114 2023 Journal article
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Investing in undervalued stocks: The case of electrical equipment companies" - 2022, CCMP 2022 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Honda motos : Analyse stratégique du positionnement international" - 2022, CCMP 2022 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, B. GUILHON - "Le développement de la 5G : La procédure d’attribution des fréquences aux enchères" - 2021, CCMP 2021 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Jeux boursiers : Biais comportementaux et rentabilité d’un portefeuille d’actions" - 2021, CCMP 2021 Case Study
    BOUBAKER, S., A. CHATMI, K. ELASRI - "Stock Market Game: Behavioral biases and equity portfolio profitability" - 2021, CCMP 2021 Case Study
    CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, B. GUILHON - "The procedure for allocating frequencies at auctions" - 2021, CCMP 2021 Case Study
    Teaching domains


    Research domains

    Financial Management


    International Business
