Operations Management-Supply Chain-Information Systems Download CV

Dr. Laingo Randrianarisoa joined Kedge Business School as Assistant Professor of International Transport in September 2020 after spending a couple of years as a Postdoctoral Research fellow at the University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business  in Vancouver (Canada). Laingo received her PhD in Economics from Laval University, Canada.  Her areas of expertise lie at the intersection of transportation economics, environment and supply chain.  Her recent research includes the role of supply chain in reducing emissions in international transport, climate change adaptation for coastal ports, and competition between transportation facilities. She has several academic publications in peer-reviewed international journals, such as Journal of Urban Economics, Transportation Research Part B: Methodology, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, and Maritime Policy and Management; co-authored a number of technical reports and participated in several research projects, among others, the Green Shipping project and Tradable permits for transportation facilities. Laingo received several awards and fellowships for her research projects, including the Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence from the Airport Research Chair of Laval University and the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (FRQ-SC) from the Government of Quebec in Canada. She is also a member of a number of scholarly societies, such as World Conference on Transport Research Society, Air Transport Research Society,  International Association of Maritime Economists, and International Transport Economics Association. 

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    JAEGLER, A., L. RANDRIANARISOA, H. YAHYAOUI, "Policy Decision-support for Inland Waterway Transport in Sustainable Urban Areas: An Analysis of Economic Viability", Annals of Operations Research, 2024 2024 Journal article
    RANDRIANARISOA, L., D. GILLEN , "Policy responses and travellers’ preferences in pandemics: Evidence from Europe", Transport Policy, 2023, vol. 141, pp. 305-316 2023 Journal article
    RANDRIANARISOA, L., T. H. OUM, C. YU, "Corruption and Airport Efficiency: A study of Asian airports  ", Transport Policy, 2023, vol. 130, pp. 46-54 2023 Journal article
    CARIOU, P., L. RANDRIANARISOA, "Stakeholders’ participation at the IMO marine environmental protection committee", Marine Policy, 2023, vol. 149, pp. 105506 2023 Journal article
    YAHYAOUI, H., A. JAEGLER, L. RANDRIANARISOA, "A cost calculation model for urban delivery of parcels by river", Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2023, vol. 51, pp. 101059 2023 Journal article
    RANDRIANARISOA, L., D. GILLEN , "Reducing Emissions in International Transport: A Supply Chain Perspective", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, vol. 102, pp. 103074 2022 Journal article
    RANDRIANARISOA, L., A. ZHANG, H. YANG, A. YUEN, W. CHEUNG, "How ‘belt’ and ‘road’ are related economically: modelling and policy implications", Maritime Policy & Management, 2021, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 432-460 2021 Journal article
    RANDRIANARISOA, L., K. WANG, A. ZHANG, "Insights from recent economic modeling on port adaptation to climate change effects" in Maritime Transport and Regional Sustainability., Adolf K.Y. Ng, Jason Monios & Changmin Jiang Eds, Elsevier, chap. 4, pp. 45-71, 2019 2019 Book chapter
    RANDRIANARISOA, L., A. ZHANG, "Adaptation to climate change effects and competition between ports", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, vol. 123, pp. 279-322 2019 Journal article
    DE PALMA, A., C.ORDÁS CRIADO, L.RANDRIANARISOA, "When Hotelling meets Vickrey. Service timing and spatial asymmetry in the airline industry", Journal of Urban Economics, 2018, vol. 105, pp. 88-106 2018 Journal article
    Teaching domains

    Operations Management/Supply Chain

    • Supply Chain Fundamentals
    • International Transport Management


    • Transportation Economics
    Research domains


    • Transportation Economics
    • Environmental Economics & Climate Change

    Industrial Organization


    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
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