Publication | Year of publication | Type of publication |
ESTACHY, L., "De l’inflation en 2022 : Hypothèses géostratégiques à l’heure de l’invasion de l’Ukraine (2022 Inflationary trend: The geostrategic hypotheses in the era of Ukraine’s invasion)", Икономическа мисъл/Economic Thought, 2023, vol. 68 (2) 2023, no. 68, pp. 163-194 | 2023 | Journal article |
ESTACHY, L., "LUTTES POUR L’HÉGÉMONIE MONDIALE AU DÉBUT DU XXe SIÈCLE Échos de l’histoire pour le monde d’aujourd’hui pages 13 -40" in Versailles 1919 et géopolitique., Ed., Harmattan, pp. 13-40, 2022 | 2022 | Book chapter |
ESTACHY, L., "1979-2022, de la relation systémique Etats-Unis-Chine à un choc de blocs" in Ce que révèle l'invasion de l'Ukraine., L'Harmattan Ed., Editions l'Harmattan, pp. 81-119, 2022 | 2022 | Book chapter |
ESTACHY, L., "Power Struggle between China and the United States: lessons of History", MGIMO Review of International Relations, 2020, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 82-99 | 2020 | Journal article |
ESTACHY, L. - ""Systemic" Country Risk Analysis - Venezuela" - 2019, The Case Centre, Cranfield, Great Britain | 2019 | Case Study |
ESTACHY, L., "Nouvelles routes de la soie et Endiguement économique et financier de la Chine par les Etats-Unis", Europe en Formation , 2019, no. 388, pp. 69-98 | 2019 | Journal article |
ESTACHY, L., "Russia, New Silk Road and the US-China confrontations", Public Administration ( Ranepa Moscow), 2019, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 83-95 | 2019 | Journal article |
ESTACHY, L. - "Systemic" Country Risk Analysis- South East Asia" - 2019, The Case Centre, Cranfield, Great Britain | 2019 | Case Study |
ESTACHY, L. - "Systemic" Country Risk Analysis- Argentina" - 2019, The Case Centre, cranfield, Great Britain | 2019 | Case Study |
ESTACHY, L. - "Systemic" Country Risk Analysis - Egypt" - 2019, The Case Centre, Cranfield, Great Britain | 2019 | Case Study |