Strategy-Sustainability-Entrepreneurship Download CV

Marek Prokupek is Assistant Professor of Strategic Arts Management. Marek is a member of KEDGE Arts School and the Creative Industries & Culture Expertise Centre. Prior to that, he worked as Postdoctoral Fellow at LabEx ICCA (Industries Culturelles et Création Artistique) in Paris and as Assistant Professor in Arts Management at Prague University in Economics and Business, where he obtained PhD in 2017. Marek’s research focuses on innovative business models of arts and cultural organizations and their financing strategies. Marek has also conducted research on the role of ethics in museum fundraising. He has published in outlets such as International Journal of Cultural Policy, Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, and Museum Management and Curatorship.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    BETZLER, D., E. LOOTS, M. PROKUPEK, "Arts and culture in transformation: A critical analysis of the national plans for the European Recovery and Resilience Facility", European Policy Analysis, 2024, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 101-127 2024 Journal article
    PROKUPEK, M., "Ethical Fundraising in Museums" in International Perspectives on Museum Management: Looking Towards Desirable Futures., Darko Babic and Antonia Ivo Ed., Routledge, chap. 14, pp. 168 - 181, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    PROKUPEK, M., A. GOMBAULT, "Museums and Corporate Parners : The Case of Van Gogh Museum and Shell" Forthcoming International Journal of Arts Management 2024 Journal article
    MASSI, M., P. M. DALLE CARBONARE, M. PROKUPEK, A. TURRINI, "Exploring fundraising executives' careers in arts and culture: The role of tenure and career switching", Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 2023, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. e1804 2023 Journal article
    DALLE CARBONARE, P. M., M. PROKUPEK, "The Role of Major Donors in Arts Fundraising" in Fundraising For the Arts., Francesca Pecoraro, Alex Turrini, Mark Volpe Eds, Bocconi University Press, chap. 4, pp. 89-116, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    PROKUPEK, M., E. LOOTS, D. BETZLER, "Emergency or emerging financing strategies of art museums in the context of a pandemic?", Museum Management and Curatorship, 2023, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 530–547 2023 Journal article
    PROKUPEK, M., B. DIVÍŠKOVÁ, "Ethics in Museum Fundraising: Evidence from the Czech Republic", Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 2023, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 42-61 2023 Journal article
    PROKUPEK, M., M. BALLARINI, "Comparative study of European policies for ethical museum fundraising and philanthropy" in Accomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe: Financing, Governance and Responsiveness., Christopher Mathieu, Valerie Visanich Eds, Routledge, vol. 1, chap. 8, pp. 123-140, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    BETZLER, D., E. LOOTS, M. PROKUPEK, L. MARQUES, P. GRAFENAUER, "COVID-19 and the arts and cultural sectors: Investigating countries’ contextual factors and early policy measures", International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2021, vol. 27, pp. 796-814 2021 Journal article
    PROKUPEK, M., J. GROSMAN, "The COVID-19 pandemic and cultural industries in the Czech Republic" in Cultural Industries and the COVID-19 Pandemic., Elisa Salvador, Trilce Navarrete, Andrej Srakar Eds, Routledge, vol. 1, chap. 13, pp. 226 - 238, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    PROKUPEK, M., "How Neoliberalism Shapes Contemporary Art Market: Structure, Assessment, and Scope”" in Topics on Art and Money., Adrià Harillo Pla Ed., Vernon Press, vol. 1, chap. 2, pp. 35 - 47, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    DALLE CARBONARE, P. M., M. PROKUPEK, "Cultural business models: The mistake of obsoletion" in Managing the Cultural Business., Michela Addis, Andrea Rurale Eds, Routledge, vol. 1, chap. 2, pp. 37 - 77, 2020 2020 Book chapter
    Teaching domains


    • Strategy of arts organizations


    • Arts Management
    Research domains


    • Business Model Innovation in Arts Organizations

    Operations Management

    • Arts Management

    Strategic Management

    • Financing strategies of arts organizations

    Financial Management

    • Fundraising in arts organizations