Publication |
Year of publication |
Type of publication |
KOUKI, C., J. ARTS, M. Z. BABAI, "Performance evaluation of a two-echelon inventory system with network lost sales", European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, vol. 314, no. 2, pp. 647-664 |
2024 |
Journal article |
WANG, M., M. AMIRI AREF, W. KLIBI, M. Z. BABAI, "Global multi-sourcing network design with inventory planning under uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, 2024, vol. 62, no. 21, pp. 7660–7686 |
2024 |
Journal article |
LIU, Y., S. JASIMUDDIN, M. Z. BABAI, "Exploring servitization and digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises: evidence from an industrial internet platform in China", International Journal of Production Research, 2024, vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 2812-2831 |
2024 |
Journal article |
OMAR, H., W. KLIBI, M. Z. BABAI, Y. DUCQ, "Basket data-driven approach for omnichannel demand forecasting", International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, vol. 257, pp. 108748 |
2023 |
Journal article |
KIM, N., B. MONTREUIL, W. KLIBI, M. Z. BABAI, "Network inventory deployment for responsive fulfillment", International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, vol. 250, pp. 108664 |
2023 |
Journal article |
ELHACHFI-ESSOUSSI, I., M. MASMOUDI, M. Z. BABAI, "Multi-criteria decision-making for collaborative COVID-19 surge management and inter-hospital patients’ transfer optimisation", International Journal of Production Research, 2023, vol. 61:23, pp. 7992-8021 |
2023 |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., D. IVANOV, O. K. KWON, "Optimal ordering quantity under stochastic time-dependent price and demand with a supply disruption: A solution based on the change of measure technique", Omega, 2023, vol. 116 |
2023 |
Journal article |
ROSTAMI-TABAR, B., M. Z. BABAI, A. SYNTETOS, "To aggregate or not to aggregate: Forecasting of finite autocorrelated demand", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2023, vol. 74, no. 8, pp. 1840–1859 |
2023 |
Journal article |
NOORWALI, A., M. Z. BABAI, Y. DUCQ, "Impacts of additive manufacturing on supply chains: an empirical investigation", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2023, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 182–193 |
2023 |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., B. ROSTAMI-TABAR, J. E. BOYLAN, "Demand forecasting in supply chains: a review of aggregation and hierarchical approaches", International Journal of Production Research, 2022, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 324-348 |
2022 |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., Y. DAI, Q. LI, A. SYNTETOS, X. WANG, "Forecasting of lead-time demand variance: implications for safety stock calculations", European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, vol. 296, pp. 846-861 |
2022 |
Journal article |
BOYLAN, J. E., M. Z. BABAI, "Estimating the cumulative distribution function of lead-time demand using bootstrapping with and without replacement", International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, vol. 252, pp. 108586 |
2022 |
Journal article |
PETROPOULOS, F., F., D. APILETTI, V. ASSIMAKOPOULOS, M. Z. BABAI, D. K. BARROW, S. BEN TAIEB, "Forecasting: theory and practice", International Journal of Forecasting, 2022, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 705-871 |
2022 |
Journal article |
PRAK, D., R. H. TEUNTER, M. Z. BABAI, J. E. BOYLAN, A. A. SYNTETOS, "Robust compound Poisson parameter estimation for inventory control", Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 2021, vol. 104, pp. 102481 |
2021 |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., H. CHEN, A. A. SYNTETOS, D. LENGU, "A compound-Poisson Bayesian approach for spare parts inventory forecasting", International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, vol. 232, pp. 107954 |
2021 |
Journal article |
FIROOZI, M., M. Z. BABAI, W. KLIBI, Y. DUCQ, "Distribution planning for multi-echelon networks considering multiple sourcing and lateral transshipments", International Journal of Production Research, 2020, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 1968-1986 |
2020 |
Journal article |
BENRQYA, Y., M. Z. BABAI, D. ESTAMPE, B. VALLESPIR, "Cross-docking or traditional warehousing: what is the right distribution strategy for your product", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 2020, vol. 50 (2), no. 2, pp. 255-285 |
2020 |
Journal article |
KOUKI, C., B. LEGROS, M. Z. BABAI, O. JOUINI, "Analysis of base-stock perishable inventory systems with general lifetime and lead-time", European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, vol. 287, no. 3, pp. 901-915 |
2020 |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., A. TSADIRAS, C. PAPADOPOULOS, "On the empirical performance of some new neural network methods for forecasting intermittent demand", IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2020, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 281–305 |
2020 |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., Y.DALLERY, S.BOUBAKER, R.KALAI, "A new method to forecast intermittent demand in the presence of inventory obsolescence", International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, vol. 209, pp. 30-41 |
2019 |
Journal article |
BALUGANI, E., F. LOLLI, R. GAMBERINI, B. RIMINI, M. Z. BABAI, "A periodic inventory system of intermittent demand items with fixed lifetimes", International Journal of Production Research, 2019, vol. 57, no. 22, pp. 6993-7005 |
2019 |
Journal article |
KOUKI, C., M. Z.BABAI, Z.JEMAI, S.MINNER, "Solution procedures for lost sales base-stock inventory systems with compound Poisson demand", International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, vol. 209, pp. 172-182 |
2019 |
Journal article |
ROSTAMI-TABAR, B., M. Z.BABAI, M.ALI, J.BOYLAN, "The impact of temporal aggregation on supply chains with ARMA(1,1) demand processes", European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, vol. 273, pp. 920-932 |
2019 |
Journal article |
HASNI, M., M. S. AGUIR, M. Z. BABAI, Z. JEMAI, "Spare parts demand forecasting: a review on bootstrapping methods", International Journal of Production Research, 2019, vol. 57, no. 15-16, pp. 4791-4804 |
2019 |
Journal article |
HASNI, M., M. AGUIR, M. Z. BABAI, Z. JEMAI, "On the performance of adjusted bootstrapping methods for intermittent demand forecasting", International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, vol. 216, pp. 145-153 |
2019 |
Journal article |
HASNI, M., M. Z.BABAI, M.AGUIR, Z.JEMAI, "An investigation on bootstrapping forecasting methods for intermittent demands", International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, vol. 209, pp. 20-29 |
2019 |
Journal article |
SUN, L., R.TEUNTER, M. Z.BABAI, G.HUA, "Optimal pricing for ride-sourcing platforms", European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, vol. 278, no. 3, pp. 783-795 |
2019 |
Journal article |
AMIRI AREF, M., W.KLIBI, M. Z.BABAI, "The Multi-Sourcing Location Inventory Problem with Stochastic Demand", European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, vol. 266, pp. 72-87 |
2018 |
Journal article |
KOUKI, C., M. Z.BABAI, S.MINNER, "On the benefit of dual-sourcing in managing perishable inventory", International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, vol. 204, pp. 1-17 |
2018 |
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OLDE KEIZER, M., R.TEUNTER, J.VELDMAN, M. Z.BABAI, "Condition-based maintenance for systems with economic dependence and load sharing", International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, vol. 195, pp. 319-327 |
2018 |
Journal article |
TEUNTER, R., M. Z.BABAI, J.BOKHORST, A.SYNTETOS, "Revisiting the value of information sharing in two-stage supply chains", European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, vol. 270, pp. 1044-1052 |
2018 |
Journal article |
TEUNTER, R., A.SYNTETOS, M. Z.BABAI, "Stock keeping unit fill rate specification", European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, vol. 259, pp. 917-925 |
2017 |
Journal article |
ALI, M., M. Z.BABAI, J.BOYLAN, A.SYNTETOS, "Supply chain forecasting when information is not shared", European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, vol. 260, no. 3, pp. 984-994 |
2017 |
Journal article |
BEN MOHAMED, I., W. KLIBI, O. LABARTHE, J.-C. DESCHAMPS, M. Z. BABAI, "Modelling and solution approaches for the interconnected city logistics", International Journal of Production Research, 2017, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 2664-2684 |
2017 |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., J.BOYLAN, A.SYNTETOS, M.ALI, "Reduction of the value of information sharing as demand becomes strongly auto-correlated", International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, vol. 181, pp. 130-135 |
2016 |
Journal article |
BOYLAN, J., M. Z.BABAI, "On the performance of overlapping and non-overlapping temporal demand aggregation approaches", International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, vol. 181, pp. 136-144 |
2016 |
Journal article |
KOUKI, C., M. Z.BABAI, Z.JEMAI, S.MINNER, "A coordinated multi-item inventory system for perishables with random lifetime", International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, vol. 181, pp. 226-237 |
2016 |
Journal article |
LADHARI, T., M. Z.BABAI, I.LAJILI, "Multi-criteria inventory classification: new consensual procedures", IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2016, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 335-351 |
2016 |
Journal article |
NIKOLOPOULOS, K. I., M. Z.BABAI, K.BOZOS, "Forecasting supply chain sporadic demand with nearest neighbor approaches", International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, vol. 177, pp. 139-148 |
2016 |
Journal article |
SYNTETOS, A., M. Z.BABAI, J.BOYLAN, S.KOLASSA, K. I.NIKOLOPOULOS, "Supply Chain Forecasting: Theory, Practice, their Gap and the Future", European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, vol. 252, pp. 1-26 |
2016 |
Journal article |
SYNTETOS, A., R.TEUNTER, M. Z.BABAI, S.TRANSCHEL, "On the benefits of delayed ordering", European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, vol. 248, no. 3, pp. 963-970 |
2016 |
Journal article |