Strategy-Sustainability-Entrepreneurship Download CV

Neva Bojovic is assistant professor at Kedge Business School at Bordeaux campus. She holds a PhD from Grenoble Ecole de Management and Université Savoie Mont Blanc (IREGE lab).  Her research and teaching interests are in strategy, innovation and technology entrepreneurship. She investigates emergence of novel technologies, practices and fields, She is especially interested in strategies that managers and entrepreneurs use in conditions of uncertainty, and the impact that those strategies have to other processes inside and outside of the organizations. She is member of Center of excellence for Sustainability at Kedge, where she works mostly on exploring sustainable business models, processes of social change and social innovation. She is teaching coursers related to Corporate Strategy, Strategy in the Digital Age, Technology Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Models. Prior to her academic career, Neva worked as a manager in media industry for 8 years.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    KRAAK, J., S. HANSEN, Y. GRIEP, S. BHATTACHARYA, N. BOJOVIC, M.-R. DIEHL, K. EVANS, J. FENNEMAN, I. MEMON, M. FORTIN, A. LAU, G. H. LEE, J. LEE, X. LUB, I. MEYER, M. OHANA, P. PETERS, D. ROUSSEAU, R. SCHALK, R. SEARLE, U. SHERMAN, A. TEKLEAB, "In Persuit of Impact: How Psychological Contract Research Can Make the Work-World a Better Place", Group and Organization Management, 2024 2024 Journal article
    BOJOVIC, N., S. GEIGER, "Epistemic and institutional recognition work in changing conditions of social visibility: Anosmia's journey from the shadows to the spotlight", Social Science and Medicine, December 2023, vol. 338, pp. 116359 2023 Journal article
    BOJOVIC, N., "Strategic framing of enabling technologies: Insights from firms digitizing smell and taste", Research Policy, April 2022, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 104469 2022 Journal article
    GUYADER, H., F. PONSIGNON, F. SALIGNAC, N. BOJOVIC, "Beyond a mediocre customer experience in the circular economy: The satisfaction of contributing to the ecological transition", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, vol. 378, pp. 134495 2022 Journal article
    BOJOVIC, N., V. MANGEMATIN, "Business Models and Usage of Technology: New Perspective on Business Model Design", Ed., Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    BOJOVIC, N., J. STANISLJEVIC, G. GIUNTI, "The impact of COVID-19 on abortion access: insights from the European Union and the United Kingdom", Health Policy, 2021, vol. 125, pp. 841-858 2021 Journal article
    MAUCUER, R., N. BOJOVIC, A. RENAUD, Y. SNIHUR, "Business Models in the Information Systems Literature: State of the Art and Research Perspectives", Systèmes d’Information et Management, 4 2020, vol. 25, pp. 5-28 2020 Journal article
    BOJOVIC, N., V. SABATIER, E. COBLENCE, "Becoming through doing: How experimental spaces enable organizational identity work", Strategic Organization, 2020, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 20-49 2020 Journal article
    BOJOVIC, N., C.GENET, V.SABATIER, "Learning, signaling, and convincing: The role of experimentation in the business modeling process", Long Range Planning, 2018, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 141-157 2018 Journal article
    Teaching domains


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    Organization Theory

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    Netflixisation du secteur des jeux vidéo, quels enseignements en tirer ? None Expert’s view
    How the pandemic changed abortion access in Europe None Published in The Conversation