Accounting, Finance & Economics Download CV

Thomas Lagoarde-Segot is Professor of International Economics and Finance at KEDGE Business School where he acted as Associate Dean for Research, and is an associate researcher at LEST, UMR CNRS 731. Specializing in the areas of sustainable finance, economic development and ecological transition, in particular in the Global South, he currently coordinates the "Sustainable Finance" track of SDSN France (United Nations) and the Post-Crisis Finance Network with the Collèges d'Etudes Mondiales (FMSH, Paris). He is the author of La Finance Solidaire, Un Humanisme Economique (accredited by the French FNEGE, 2014) and a number of scientific pubications on emerging countries, social finance, financial history and economic philosophy. Thomas has been consulted as an expert by France Stratégie, the World Bank, the United Nations and the European Commission (FEMISE). He was editor in chief of the journal Research in International Business and Finance (2013-2017) and currently holds several editorial positions (International Review of Financial Analysis, Entreprise et Société). He has been an invited researcher at Hitotsubashi University (Japan), the University of British Columbia (Canada),  Trinity College Dublin (Eire), the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), and the Université Laval (Québec). Thomas has also written for the national press (Le Monde, Les Echos, Libération). His full profile can be viewed at his personal webpage:

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Déséquilibres mondiaux et système monétaire international" in Monnaie et finance écologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 9, pp. 119-132, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Introduction à la modélisation macroéconomique écologique" in Monnaie et finance écologiques., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 8, pp. 91-104, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Appréhender la diversité économique" in Monnaie et finance écologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 2, pp. 27-36, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Greenwashing and sustainable finance: an approach anchored in the philosophy of science", Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2024, vol. 66, pp. 101397 2024 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "La balance des paiements" in Monnaie et finance écologiques., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 8, pp. 105-118, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Economie finance et réalité" in Monnaie et finance écologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 1, pp. 13-26, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Monnaie, dette et déficit public" in Monnaie et finance écologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 77-90, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Explorer les systèmes monétaires" in Monnaie et finance écologiques., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 4, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., L. LE PODER, "Appréhender la diversité économique" in Monnaie et Finance Ecologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. Chapitre 2, pp. 28-36, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., A. MATHIEU, "Ecological money and finance - upscaling local complementary currencies", Humanities & Social Sciences Communications , 2024, vol. 11, pp. 545 2024 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., J. F. PONSOT, "Les taux de change et le régime monétaire international" in Monnaie et finance écologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 10, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., R. DIDIER , "Ecological money and finance. Introducing sustainable monetary diversity", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2024, vol. 95, no. Part B, pp. 103383 2024 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Taux d'intérêt et politique monétaire" in Monnaie et finance écologiques., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 5, pp. 61-76, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., R. DIDIER , "Qu'est ce que la monnaie ?" in Monnaie et finance écologiques., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. 3, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "A simple ecological monetary macroeconomic model" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 201-224, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Ecological money and finance. Insight from postkeynesian economics" in Understanding green finance., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 58-72, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., C. REVELLI, "Ecological money and finance. Introducing ecological risk-free assets", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023, vol. 90, pp. 102871 2023 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Endogenous money, liquidity preference and interest rates" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Fnancial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 123-161, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Trade, capital flows and the balance of payments" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 225-260, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Reality, the economy and economics" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, chap. 1, pp. 3-34, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "The macroeconomy and the monetary circuit" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 163-200, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Exchange rates and international finance" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 293-331, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Ecological Money and Finance. Insight from Post-Keynesian Economics" in Understanding Green Finance., Dziwok, E., Jäger, J Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 5, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Exploring Monetary Systems" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 89-122, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., L. LE PODER, "Capitalism, markets and Organizations" in Ecological Money and Finance : Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems., Palgrave macmillan Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 35 - 58, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., R. DIDIER, "Global imbalances and the international financial architecture" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 262-292, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., R. DIDIER, "What is money?" in Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems.., Lagoarde-Segot, T. Eds, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 59-87, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    BASSINO, J. P., T. LAGOARDE-SEGOT, U. WOITEK, "Prenatal climate shocks and adult height in developing countries. Evidence from Japan (1872-1917)", Economics and Human Biology, April 2022, vol. 45, pp. 101-115 2022 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Finance et soutenabilité" in Finance de marchés., Gruson P. Ed., Vuibert, chap. 5, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., R. PÉREZ, W. SUN, "Finance and Sustainability: An Integrated Thinking" in Rethinking Finance in the Face of New Challenges., David Bourghelle, Roland Pérez, Philippe Rozin. Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., E. ENRIQUE MARTINEZ, "Ecological Finance Theory: New Foundations", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, vol. 75, pp. 101741 2021 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Effacer les dettes publiqes c'est possible et nécessaire" in EFFACER LES DETTES PUBLIQUES C’est possible et c’est nécessaire., Hubert Rodarie Ed., ESKA-MA éditions, chap. Préface, 2020 2020 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., C. REVELLI, "Quels instruments financiers pour l'Agenda 2030 ? L'éclairage de la Théorie Financière Ecologique", Entreprise et Société, December 2020, vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 103-140 2020 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Financing the Sustainable Development Goals", Sustainability, 2020, vol. 12, pp. 2775 2020 Journal article
    GIMET, C., T. LAGOARDE-SEGOT, L. REYES-ORTIZ, "Financialization and the macroeconomy. Theory and empirical evidence", Economic Modelling, 2019, vol. 81, pp. 89-110 2019 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., S.NEAIME, I.GAYSSET, "Twin deficits and fiscal spillovers in the EMU's periphery. A Keynesian perspective", Economic Modelling, 2019, vol. 76, pp. 101-116 2019 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Sustainable finance: a critical realist perspective.", Research in International Business and Finance, 2018, vol. 47, pp. 1-9 2018 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., B. PARANQUE, "Finance and sustainability: from ideology to utopia", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2018, vol. 55, pp. 80-92 2018 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., B.PARANQUE, "Une finance soutenable: quelle Utopie?", Revue de Philosophie Economique, 2018, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 157-199 2018 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Financialization: Towards a new research agenda", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2017, vol. 51, pp. 113-123 2017 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Investissement d’impact. Vers une diversification de la recherche en finance ?", Entreprises et Sociétés - Série KC, 2017, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 155-174 2017 Journal article
    BAUR, D., T.LAGOARDE-SEGOT, "The Contradiction between the Time Value of Money and Sustainability" in Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability., Alijani,S. & Karyotis, C. Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 75-92, 2016 2016 Book chapter
    ERRAGRAGUY, E., T.LAGOARDE-SEGOT, "Solving the SRI puzzle? A note on the mainstreaming of ethical investment", Finance Research Letters, 2016, vol. 18, pp. 32-42 2016 Journal article
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Prolegomena to an Alternative Study of Finance" in Finance Reconsidered: New Perspectives for a Responsible and Sustainable Finance., Paranque, P. & Pérez, R. Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 89-110, 2016 2016 Book chapter
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