MSc, Master of Science Data Analytics for Business

Build bridges between Data Science and Business

Admission level
From Bachelor's degree - 3 years to Bachelor's degree - 4 years, Validation of Personal and Professional Experience (VAPP)
MSc, Master of ScienceDiploma recognised by the French Ministry of Higher Education
Full Time
September 2025
Master of Science (MSc) in Data Analytics for Business testimonials
Provide companies with versatile and cross-disciplinary talents
In a context where data is at the heart of the transformation challenges facing companies, the skills and knowledge linked to data processing are essential. From large groups to startups, including transformation players (consulting firms, agencies, etc.), this programme provides companies with a relevant response to their search for versatile (business, IT & data-science) and cross-disciplinary talent: combining a strategic and operational vision of activities
Provide companies with versatile and cross-disciplinary talents
In a highly regulated technological context, AI and Business Intelligence subjects are now found to have practical applications in companies in order to continue to give meaning to Data with an increased use of external expertise from consultancy firms. As a result, multi-skilled junior consultants are becoming a rare resource. It is therefore crucial to train rigorous, methodical collaborators with a business orientation who are sensitive to the problems and opportunities offered by Machine Learning. The specialisation offered by KEDGE perfectly meets this challenge. By combining the pedagogical excellence offered by its faculty with the relevance of practical case studies, this MSc will train the future Data Marketing consultants who will meet the expectations of firms in this field.
Strategies to convert businesses
Today, technology is at the heart of our clients' business, and their business and technology strategies are inseparable, if not indistinguishable. Data and artificial intelligence technologies are recognised as powerful levers to execute these strategies and transform the business.
To reap the full benefits of its data, the company must enable the relevant use of data within a controlled framework. To optimise its business processes, it must deploy artificial intelligence and automate activities wherever possible and relevant.
The talents arriving on the job market today, in addition to showing curiosity and agility, must understand the challenges of this transformation to imagine the company of tomorrow. They must master the technologies, understand their strengths and limitations in order to be able to implement them within their company in an ethical and responsible manner. Through the BI & ML master's programme, Kedge offers training that prepares students to address these issues.