bottles sold in 2019
events per year
annual revenue growth since two years
- Chair : Agathe PANEK - agathe.panek@kedgebs.com
Bacchus is the School’s wine association. Its focus on this beloved beverage allows the association to grow swiftly and to wear two hats: a professionalising association that is also welcoming and friendly.
Bacchus offers an array of activities and events that need no introduction, notably:
- The sale of our different wine ranges: the Récolte K, a wine made for and by Kedgers, and the Kuvée Prestige, our top-tier wine.
- The organisation of one of KEDGE's major event: the PACA WINE TRIP, a famous wine rally in Provence, both insightful and festive.
- The organisation of our legendary bar nights.
- The organisation of conferences and tastings.
Good wine brings mankind together, that is why Bacchus is very proud of its close-knit team servicing the association and its members.
Suchellos is the "beerology" commission of Bacchus, student association at KEDGE.
Educates your palates
Main events:
- PACA Wine Trip
- Living Art's nights
- Wine tasting sessions