KEDGE Business School wants to provide access to a very high level of higher education for all by committing itself to encourage inclusiveness and fight against inequality and discrimination. We welcome students, faculty and staff from all social backgrounds, nationalities, cultures, identities and orientations. We value inclusiveness in all its dimensions and differences: gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, ethnicity, geographic and socio-economic background.
At KEDGE, we are convinced that human potential is a source of wealth for our organisation and a source of overall performance for our students, employees, suppliers and partners.

KEDGE, an inclusive business school
As a higher education institution, KEDGE must provide access to training for all, integration, pedagogical follow-up and improve student’s employability. Our mission is to train future managers and promote diversity and inclusivity among them.
KEDGE is also a business and as an employer must set the example in terms of recruitment, training and support of its collaborators.
KEDGE is also a research centre where professors/researchers invent the worlds of tomorrow. The Humanities-Inclusivity department aims to build and develop education programmes that engage each generation on socio-environmental issues.
Finally, with its 64 different student associations spread across all campuses, KEDGE contributes to reducing inequalities and discrimination through its positive actions.
Students at the heart of our preoccupations
Well-being, personal development, work-life balance, work environment, all contribute directly to the school global performance. This is why KEDGE, as a preventive measure has designed and implemented an original and unique service for students: The Wellness service.
A team of volunteers and psychologists are available to support and advise students who experience difficulties.
KEDGE has also created a support unit (cellule de veille) to prevent all types of discrimination, sexual harassment, racism, violence to protect victims as well as the entire KEDGE community.
Diversity and Inclusion: KEDGE’s objectives for 2025
KEDGE has demonstrated its commitment to inclusivity by signing once again the diversity charter and by appointing Anicia Jaegler, an Associate dean for inclusiveness. Its objective leading to 2025 is the creation of inclusive tools. The three main priorities being: disability, gender equality and equal opportunities.
As an employer, the school is committed to fighting against all forms of inequality and discrimination and has for objective to recruit 5% of its total workforce with a disability.
The HandiKap network made of over 40 referents facilitate the journey and the employability of the 127 students according to their disability.
The objective to accompany each individual on a one-to one basis is being put into place.
Finally, KEDGE is committed to raise awareness and train the company’s stakeholders (staff, professors, students) to integrate, accompany and manage anyone with a disability.
A management and disability chair has been created. It is funded by Société Générale and aims to identify the needs and understand the experiences of individuals, in order to provide a more appropriate response to disability management.
KEDGE has developed partnerships with companies to support its students with disabilities in employment: partner companies offer internships, work-study programmes, jobs as well as scholarships.
the Professional Equality Index for Women and Men
of scholarships and emergency funds paid by KEDGE
students with disabilities supported and 1,60% the employment rate of disabled employees at KEDGE