6 th edition of the e-Performance Barometer

6th edition of the e-Performance Barometer

PRESS RELEASE – 06.21.2017

6 th edition of the e-Performance Barometer: Analysis of the online wine sales market and international ranking of the best wine websites

At Vinexpo 2017, KEDGE Business School reveals the results of the 6th edition of the e-Performance Barometer study and the ranking of the best French and international wine websites, as rated by over 2,300 internet users from 9 different countries.

International ranking: Wine.com topples Amazon.com to take top spot as best wine website

Surprisingly, it is Wine.com, – a long-standing American player in the online wine market – which takes 1st place in the 6th edition of the e-Performance Barometer international ranking, overtaking fellow American site and general retailer Amazon.com, cwhich finishes in 2nd place this year. Another specialist wine site comes in 3rd in the 2017 international ranking: the Chinese site Yesmywine.com up four places from the previous edition.

The top French site, www.vente-privee.com, falls 2 places this year compared to its performance in 2015 to rank 7 th internationally, but retains its top position in the French ranking. It also takes 1st place in the French general retailer ranking for wine sales, coming in ahead of two well-established mass retailers: Auchan and Carrefour. In turn, Lavinia.fr takes 1st place in the French specialist retailer ranking.

A market that has reached maturity after more than 10 years of strong growth

“After more than ten years of double-digit growth, the online retail market for wine has now entered a mature phase,” says Gregory Bressolles, Marketing Professor at KEDGE, director of the ‘Business in a Connected World’ Chair and author of the e-Performance Barometer study. “Whilst our forecasts in 2015 predicted a French market with a value of €1.5bn for 2016, the final 2017 figure is only expected to reach €1.4bn, or 9.4% of total online wine sales"

On a global level, 2016 saw online wine sales reach 9.8 billion dollars. Over 10 billion dollars is expected for 2017, which will account for around 5% of total wine market sales. The market should continue to grow, helped notably by the expansion of e-commerce and wine consumption in Asia.

Wine and spirits management: an area of expertise for KEDGE

The e-Performance Barometer survey was developed in partnership with Rayon Boissons, with the expertise held by KEDGE in e-commerce and wine and spirits management. This expertise is reflected in the training and research programmes offered by the KEDGE Wine & Spirits Academy.

The e-Performance Barometer study is on sale in French to professionals for €550 (excl. taxes). An executive summary is also available on sale in English

Over 2,300 internet users from 9 different countries (France, Spain, Italy, Germany, the UK, Australia, the USA, Canada and China) analysed 23 sites. Each site was evaluated by a sample of 100 internet users which was representative of the population in each country who use the Internet to shop for wine. The rankings created are therefore based on the ratings of genuine internet users, who represent potential customers of the sites surveyed. The majority of the sample was male (73%), from a high income group (50%) with a high net annual household income (61% over €30,000), and matched the profile of people who buy wine online.

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6th edition of the e-Performance Barometer

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