KEDGE Business School heads off to meet its graduates around the world

PRESS RELEASE – 19.03.2018

KEDGE Business School heads off to meet its graduates around the world Videos shooting in Shanghai, Suzhou, Dublin, Bordeaux, Marseille and Paris

KEDGE is launching a series of video reports with the aim of putting the spotlight on the school’s community of students and graduates both in France and worldwide. Filming starts this month in China, in Shanghai and Suzhou, where KEDGE has set up.

This project will make it possible to bring the KEDGE community closer together, highlighting the sheer diversity of our graduates’ career paths and experiences all around the world,” stressed José MILANO, KEDGE’s Director General. “The aim is also to make our current and future students aware of the potential offered by this network and of the opportunities which open up to them when they decide to join us”.

When preparing for filming, to ensure that the whole KEDGE community is represented, a selection of profiles was chosen from among the 57,000 alumni to feature in the videos, which take the form of in-depth mini-reports.

The choice of filming locations has focused as a priority on KEDGE’s campuses: Bordeaux, Marseille and Paris; and on the campuses in China: Shanghai and Suzhou. Dublin was also chosen because many of our graduates are there.

For this initial series of reports, around fifty Kedge graduates living in these 6 cities will be talking about their profesional history.

The first videos will be progressively broadcast from May onwards on a dedicated website which is part of and on KEDGE’s social media sites (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn). As we are keen to share our experiences, behind-the-scenes footage from the trips and the filming sessions will also be broadcast in the form of vlogs. You can also follow each filming trip thanks to Instagram stories (@kedgebs).

Dates of the filming sessions:

  • From 11 to 26 March: filming in Shanghai and Suzhou
  • From 7 to 16 April: filming in Dublin
  • Between April and September: filming in Bordeaux, Marseille and Paris

KEDGE will be organising another series of filming sessions in other towns, cities and countries where its graduates are based. A call for candidates will be issued in May via the dedicated website.

The KEDGE film crew

Louise Veron, Community Manager:

Anthony Raymond, Videomaker & Digital Content Producer:

Press Contact

Angélique GERMAIN - Tel. +33(0) 556 846 343 /

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