PRESS RELEASE – 29.05.2019
with Laurent Estachy, International Finance & Geo-economy professor at KEDGE Business School, Marc Mourre, Managing Director, Head of Global Markets Commodities at Natixis 1977 KEDGE Graduate, Xavier R. Rolet, Chief Executive Officer at CQS Management Ltd 1981 KEDGE Graduate
TUESDAY 4 JUNE 2019 AT 7:00 PM, Holiday Inn London Regents Park Carburton St, Fitzrovia – W1W 5EE London
KEDGE Alumni and it's well established London branch will host for the first time in London on Tuesday 4 June a very interesting conference on The new Silk Roads at the heart of the power struggle between China and the United States. It will be chaired by Laurent Estachy, Marc Mourre and Xavier Rolet, followed by a networking cocktail with the presence of José Milano and Christophe Mouysset (KEDGE Business School’s Director of Corporate Relations).
The Belt and Road Initiative, BRI, announced in 2013 by President Xi Jinping, is at the core of China’s foreign policy strategy. Beijing champions the project as a means to spur development, goodwill and economic integration between China and its neighbours in the west: most notably Central Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
However the project has proved controversial and several countries expressed suspicion about China’s true geopolitical intentions : the U.S. and Japan remain skeptical about its stated aims and even more worried about unspoken ones, especially those hinting at military expansion. The BRI is therefore viewed within the new US Administration as part of a Grand Strategy aiming at replacing America as the Global Superpower...The trade conflict starting in 2018 should be analysed in this context.
Therefore, the presentation will deal with what looks more and more like a new « Cold War ». Indeed a number of actions taken by the US government in 2018 aimed at checking China’s mounting economic and financial power. For the United States it is, in short, to contain the rise of China.
The evening's event programme:
- 7.00 pm: Registration and welcome drink
- 7.15 pm: Brief introduction by Gregoire Ponsoye – KEDGE London Branch Alumni organiser
- 7.20 pm: Conference opening by José Milano
- 7.30 pm: Conference by Laurent Estachy, Marc Mourre & Xavier Rolet
- 09.00 pm to 10.00 pm: Cocktail and networking with speakers
Registration required, via the website
About KEDGE BS Alumni (KBSA)
KEDGE Business School Alumni is the network of KEDGE graduates. Composed of more than 60,000 members with varied experiences, expertise and skills, it is a powerful and united community. The activity of KEDGE Alumni focus on 3 essential missions: connect the KEDGERS in order to enrich them each other and in the long term; support all life long the professional success of our students and our graduates; support the development of KEDGE BS. KEDGE Alumni shines in France and abroad with more than 300 professional events per year, led by 250 volunteers, many career services and a strong presence on the web (50,000 connections per month on the website and 70,000 members on the internet social networks KBSA).