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Dr. Alfredo Jiménez holds a Master degree in Business Economics Research and a PhD in Business Management. He is currently Full Professor at Kedge Business School in Bordeaux and he teaches subjects related to International Business as undergraduate, graduate and PhD. His research interests are focused on the process and determinants of success in the internationalization strategy of firms. His current lines of research include the impact of institutional variables, political risk, cultural and psychic distance and corruption on foreign direct investments and entrepreneurship. He is also working on a research line devoted to virtual and multi-cultural team management and dynamics. He has published several papers in international journals including the Journal of International Business Studies, Harvard Business Review, Journal of World Business, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Business and Society, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of International Management, Management International Review, and European Journal of International Management. He has also been a visiting scholar in different institutions in Australia, Denmark, Ecuador, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Norway, and Singapore, as well as participating in the X-Culture Project as a member of its Advisory Board and instructor. He is project reviewer for the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and for the Government of Ecuador, Poland, and Qatar. He was chosen for the 40 under 40 list of Poets and Quants (2021) that includes the best 40 MBA professors in the world under 40 years of age.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    DELLA PIANA, B., S. BAYRAKTAR, A. JIMENEZ, "Entrepreneurial Mindsets Across Cultures" in Humane Entrepreneurship and Innovation., Botti, A. y Parente, R. Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, chap. 9, pp. 175-191, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    ORDEÑANA, X., P. VERA, J. ZAMBRANO, A. JIMENEZ, "The Effect of High-growth and Innovative Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 171, no. 114243, pp. 114243 2024 Journal article
    HERRERA, A., A. ARROYO, A. JIMENEZ, A. HERRERO, "Exploratory techniques to analyze Ecuador's tourism industry" Forthcoming Logic Journal of the IGPL 2024 Journal article
    BENITO-OSORIO, D., A. JIMENEZ, S. BAYRAKTAR, C. JIANG, "De la “brecha de género” al “techo de cristal”: un análisis bibliométrico de la presencia de mujeres en los consejos de administración de empresas a través de mapas de evolución", Management International, 2023, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 153-167 2023 Journal article
    DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, T., M.-I. LUIS-RICO, C. GUTIÉRREZ CID, M. C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, S. BAYRAKTAR, C. P. CÁMARA, A. JIMENEZ, "Creencias de los docentes, dimensiones culturales y competencia emprendedora" in Avances en educación emprendedora. Génesis y desarrollo del potencial emprendedor., Bernal, A. Eds, Pirámide, pp. 83-118, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, T., M. C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, C. DI GIUSTO-VALLE, M.-I. LUIS-RICO, J. A. JIMÉNEZ-EGUIZÁBAL, A. JIMENEZ, "Creencias del profesorado y formación del potencial emprendedor en el alumnado", Interciencia. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología de América, 2023, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 398-408 2023 Journal article
    BASURTO, N., A. JIMENEZ, S. BAYRAKTAR, A. HERRERO, "Improving the Prediction of Project Success in the Telecom Sector by means of Advanced Data Balancing", Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal , 2023, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 306-320 2023 Journal article
    GNEKPE, C., A. JIMENEZ, "Smoke signal: When firms patent strategy and local patent protection system affects equity stakes in cross-border acquisitions", Journal of International Management, 2023, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 101079 2023 Journal article
    LEE, J. Y., D. KIM, B. CHOI, A. JIMENEZ, "Early Evidence on How Industry 4.0 Reshapes MNEs’ Global Value Chains: The Role of Value Creation vs. Value Capturing by Headquarters and Foreign Subsidiaries", Journal of International Business Studies, 2023, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 599-630 2023 Journal article
    HAIDER, S., M. S. NAZIR, A. JIMENEZ, M. A. J. QAMAR, "Commodity Prices and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Commodity Dependent Developed and Emerging Economies", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 241-271 2023 Journal article
    PEREZ-PEREZ, C., D. BENITO-OSORIO, A. JIMENEZ, "The impact of country-level sustainability and digitalization on the performance: sharing economy dashboard", Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2023, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 621-634 2023 Journal article
    LU, J., S. J. CHOI, A. JIMENEZ, S. BAYRAKTAR, "Bribery in Emerging Economies: An integration of Institutional and Non-Market Position Perspective", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2023, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 205-242 2023 Journal article
    HERRERA, A., A. ARROYO, A. JIMENEZ, A. HERRERO, "Artificial Intelligence as Catalyst for the Tourism Sector: A Literature Review", Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2023, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1439-1460. 2023 Journal article
    MATOS-CÁMARA, R. F., M. R. MATOS-CÁMARA, A. JIMENEZ, "Perceived Risk in Cancun Tourism. A Destination Marketing Perspective", UCJC Business & Society Review, 2023, vol. 20, no. 77, pp. 160-209 2023 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., Programa educativo para el desarrollo del potencial emprendedor en adolescentes: PEIEO, Aljibe, Spain, 2023 2023 Book
    SHAO, X., A. JIMENEZ, J. Y. LEE, V. TARAS, "The Impact of the Perceived Value of the Sharing Economy on Consumer Usage Behavior: Evidence from Shared Mobility in China", Asian Business and Management, 2023, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1962-2003 2023 Journal article
    TAHIRU, T. A., D. AGHANYA, A. JIMENEZ, T. RAJWANI, "Corporate political activity and bribery in Africa: do internet penetration and foreign ownership matter?", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 154, pp. 113326 2023 Journal article
    GRIEP, Y., J. KRAAK, J. FENNEMAN, A. JIMENEZ, X. LUB, "You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours: Unethical pro-organizational behavior and deviance in response to different psychological contract states", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 156, pp. 113537 2023 Journal article
    DELIOS, A., E. G. CLEMENTE, T. WU, H. TAN, Y. WANG, M. GORDON, D. VIGANOLA, Z. CHEN, A. DREBER, M. JOHANNESSON, T. PFEIFFER, A. JIMENEZ, E. L. UHLMANN, "Examining the context sensitivity of research findings from archival data", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, vol. 119, no. 30, pp. e212037711 2022 Journal article
    AKCAOGLU, E., A. JIMENEZ, R. WEHNER, H. J. BOLSINGER, "Introduction: managing international political risk: arising challenges for multinationals in the post Covid-19 world”", European Journal of International Management, 2022, vol. 18, no. 2-3, pp. 185-202 2022 Journal article
    HAHANG, E., S. BAYRAKTAR, A. JIMENEZ, "Early Evidence of Leadership Skills and Strategies in Managing the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Hospitality Industry", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2022, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 493-515 2022 Journal article
    BAYRAKTAR, S., A. JIMENEZ, "Friend or foe? The effects of harmonious and obsessive passion on entrepreneurs’ well-being, strain, and social loneliness", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2022, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 320-348 2022 Journal article
    DU, S., X. SHAO, A. JIMENEZ, J. Y. LEE, "Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese Multinational Enterprises: A Review and Future Research Agenda", Sustainability, 2022, vol. 14, no. 23, pp. 16199 2022 Journal article
    JANBAZ, M., M. K. HASSAN, J. FLOREANI, A. DREASSI, A. JIMENEZ, "Political risk in banks: A review and agenda", Research in International Business and Finance, 2022, vol. 62, pp. 101713 2022 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, V. TARAS, "Learning to collaborate across borders: Insights from the X-Culture Project and the emergence of global virtual teams" in International Education Narratives. Transdisciplinary Educative Innovation Experiences based on Bilingual Teaching., University of Burgos Ed., University of Burgos, pp. 99-108, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    LEE, J. Y., A. JIMENEZ, Y. SOO, I. IRISBOEV, "The evolution of emerging market firms and time until subsidiary exit: Competitive dynamics of domestic market followers and contingency factors", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 694-704 2022 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, J. Y. LEE, S. J. CHOI, "The multi-faceted impact of host country risk on the success of private participation in infrastructure projects", Multinational Business Review, 2022, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 17-39 2022 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., M. NÚÑEZ CANAL, A. M. DOMÍNGUEZ-QUINTERO, "Competencias del ámbito empresarial" in Identidad emprendedora. Hacia un modelo educativo., Tirant lo Blanch Ed., Tirant lo Blanch, pp. 209-236, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    LEE, J. Y., A. JIMENEZ, S. J. CHOI, Y. H. CHOI, "Ideological Polarization and Corporate Lobbying Activity: The Contingent Impact of Corruption Distance", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 141, no. 1, pp. 448-461 2022 Journal article
    YUYING, Z., L. CHU, A. JIMENEZ, "Foreign Shareholders’ Social Responsibility, R&D Innovation, and International Competitiveness of Chinese SOEs", Sustainability, 2022, vol. 14, no. 3(1746), pp. 1-18 2022 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., J. HANOTEAU, R. BARKEMEYER, "E-procurement and firm corruption to secure public contracts: The moderating role of governance institutions and supranational support", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 149, pp. 640-650 2022 Journal article
    DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, T., I. LUIS-RICO, C. DI GIUSTO-VALLE, M. C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, D. HORTIGÜELA-ALCALÁ, C. PALMERO-CAMARA, A. JIMENEZ, "A Mediation Model between Self-Esteem, Anxiety and Depression in Sport: The Role of Gender Differences in Speleologists", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, vol. 18, no. 16, pp. 8765 2021 Journal article
    HERRERA, A., A. ARROYO, A. JIMENEZ, A. HERRERO, "Analysis of the Tourism Industry in Ecuador by Means of Soft Computing Techniques" in 16th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2021).., Sanjurjo González H., Pastor López I., García Bringas P., Quintián H., Corchado E. Eds, Springer Japan, vol. 1401, pp. 811-820, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    JIMENEZ, A., I. LUIS-RICO, T. DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, M. C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, D. JIMÉNEZ, "“La familia como variable moderadora del interés emprendedor en jóvenes españoles", Familia. Revista de Ciencias y Orientación Familiar, 2021, vol. 59, pp. 141-157 2021 Journal article
    LUPTON, N., D. BEHNAM, A. JIMENEZ, "Taking Advantage of Institutional Weakness? Political Stability and Foreign Subsidiary Survival in Primary Industries", Multinational Business Review, 2021, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 501-521 2021 Journal article
    LEE, J. Y., J. I. KIM, A. JIMENEZ, A. BIRAGLIA, "The role of subnational cultural value on animosity: the China-South Korea THAAD crisis", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2021, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 452-478 2021 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, "Hello! Namaste? Within-country linguistic diversity and infrastructure projects in emerging markets", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 130, no. 1, pp. 86-97 2021 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., N. LUPTON, "Terrorism Hazard and Infrastructure Projects: The Moderating Role of Home Experience and Institutions", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 135, no. 1, pp. 721-730 2021 Journal article
    HERRERO, A., A. JIMENEZ, R. ALCALDE, "Advanced feature selection to study the internationalization strategy of enterprises", PeerJ Computer Science, 2021, vol. 7, no. e403, pp. 1-26 2021 Journal article
    TARAS, V., M. GUNKEL, A. ASSOUAD, E. TAVOLETTI, J. KRAEMER, A. JIMENEZ, A. SVIRINA, W. S. LEI, G. SHAH, "The predictive power of university pedigree on the graduate’s performance in global virtual teams", European Journal of International Management, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 555-584 2021 Journal article
    PUCHE-REGALIZA, J. C., S. PORRAS-ALFONSO, A. JIMENEZ, S. APARICIO-CASTILLO, P. ARRANZ-VAL, "Exploring determinants of public satisfaction with urban solid waste collection services quality", Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2021, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 9927–9948 2021 Journal article
    MORAL-GARCIA, J. E., A. JIMENEZ, A. S. CABACO, J. A. JIMENEZ-EGUIZABAL, "The role of physical activity and school physical education in enhancing school satisfaction and life satisfaction", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1-13 2021 Journal article
    SILVA, C. A., X. ORDEÑANA, P. VERA-GILCES, A. JIMENEZ, "Global Imbalances: The Role of Institutions, Financial Development, and FDI in the context of Financial Crises", Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 356 2021 Journal article
    PAGDA, Z., S. BAYRAKTAR, A. JIMENEZ, "Exploring culture and leadership after 23 years: A replication of GLOBE project in Turkey", Journal of International Management, 2021, vol. 27, pp. 100822 2021 Journal article
    TARAS, V., D. BAACK, D. CAPRAR, A. JIMENEZ, F. FROESE, "How Cultural Differences Can Impact Global Teams", Harvard Business Review, 2021, vol. June 9th 2021., pp. 1-9 2021 Journal article
    LUPTON, N., A. JIMENEZ, S. BAYRAKTAR, D. TSAGDIS, "Climate risk and private participation projects in infrastructure: mitigating the impact of locational (dis)advantages", Management Decision, 2021, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 51-67 2021 Journal article
    LUIS-RICO, I., M. C.ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, T.DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, A.JIMENEZ, A.HERRERO, C.PALMERO-CAMARA, J. A.JIMENEZ-EGUIZABAL, "Entrepreneurial interest and entrepreneurial competence among Spanish youth: an analysis with Artificial Neural Networks", Sustainability, 2020, vol. 12, no. 4, (1351), pp. 1-17 2020 Journal article
    BAYRAKTAR, S., A. JIMENEZ, "Self-efficacy as a resource: a moderated mediation model of transformational leadership, extent of change and reactions to change", Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2020, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 301-317 2020 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, J. C. PUCHE-REGALIZA, A. HERRERO, "Corruption and Private Participation Infrastructure Projects: The Influence of Vicarious Experience and National Animosity", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2020, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 513-527 2020 Journal article
    LEE, J. Y., A. JIMENEZ, K. R. BHANDARI, "Subsidiary roles and dual knowledge flows between MNE subsidiaries and headquarters: The moderating effects of organizational governance types", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 188-200 2020 Journal article
    KRAMMER, S. M., A. JIMENEZ, "Do political connections matter for firm innovation? Evidence from emerging markets in Central Asia and Eastern Europe", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, vol. 151, pp. 119669 2020 Journal article
    LEE, J. Y., A. JIMENEZ, Y. YANG, Y. SOO, "Political Risk, Internal Versus Global Value Chain Knowledge, and Subsidiary Operational Integration", Global Strategy Journal, 2020, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 444-472 2020 Journal article
    HERRERO, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, A. JIMENEZ, "Machine Learning to Forecast the Success of Infrastructure Projects Worldwide", Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal , 2020, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 714-731 2020 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., M. EREN, S. BAYRAKTAR, "Psychic distance and FDI in Turkey: the role of industrial development and religion", European Journal of International Management, 2020, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 775-795 2020 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, "Political risk in private participation projects: The effects of political discretionality and corruption", Thunderbird International Business Review, 2020, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 149-160 2020 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., I. ALON, H. LIU, H. WANG, "The institutionalization of political risk assessment by Chinese multinational firms", Management International, 2020, vol. 24, pp. 49-63 2020 Journal article
    LUIS-RICO, M. -I., M. -C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, T. DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, A. HERRERO, A. JIMENEZ, P. ARRANZ-VAL, C. PALMERO-CÁMARA, J. A. JIMÉNEZ-EGUIZÁBAL, "The association of parental interest in entrepreneurship to the entrepreneurial interest of Spanish youth", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, no. 13(4744), pp. 1-16 2020 Journal article
    LEE, J., V. TARAS, A. JIMENEZ, B. CHOI, C. PATTNAIK, "Ambidextrous Knowledge Sharing within R&D Teams and Multinational Enterprise Performance: The Moderating Effects of Cultural Distance in Uncertainty Avoidance", Management International Review (Gabler), 2020, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 387-425 2020 Journal article
    MORAL-GARCIA, J. E., A. D. AGRASO-LOPEZ, A. J. RAMOS-MORCILLO, A. JIMENEZ, J. A. JIMENEZ-EGUIZABAL, "The Influence of Physical Activity, Diet, Weight Status and Substance Abuse on Students’ Self-Perceived Health", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, pp. 1-14 2020 Journal article
    VELEZ-CALLE, A., M.MARIAM, M. A.GONZALEZ-PEREZ, A.JIMENEZ, J.EISENBERG, S.SANTAMARIA ALVAREZ, "When technological savviness overcomes cultural differences: Millennials in global virtual teams", Critical Perspectives on International Business, 2020, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 279-303 2020 Journal article
    LEE, J., A. JIMENEZ, T. DEVINNEY, "Learning in SME Internationalization: A New Perspective on Learning From Success versus Failure", Management International Review (Gabler), 2020, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 485-513 2020 Journal article
    PUCHE-REGALIZA, J. C., A. JIMENEZ, P. ARRANZ-VAL, "Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model", Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2020, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 215-236 2020 Journal article
    LUPTON, N., G. F. JIANG, L. F. ESCOBAR, A. JIMENEZ, "National income inequality and international business expansion", Business & Society (Sage), 2020, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 1630-1666 2020 Journal article
    LEE, J., A. JIMENEZ, S. CHOI, "The Impact of Political Capabilities and Political Markets on Firms’ Decision to Lobby", Journal of International Management, 2020, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 100796 2020 Journal article
    ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, M., I.LUIS-RICO, T.DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, A.HERRERO, A.JIMENEZ, C.PALMERO-CAMARA, A.JIMENEZ-EGUIZABAL, "The Socio-educational, Psychological and Family-Related Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intentions among Spanish Youth", Sustainability, 2019, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1-21 2019 Journal article
    CORBI, M., C. PALMERO-CAMARA, A. JIMENEZ, "Diferencias en los motivos hacia la actividad física de los universitarios según nivel de actividad y su relación con la satisfacción del servicio deportivo universitario", Retos, 2019, vol. 35, pp. 191-195 2019 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., A.MAJOCCHI, B.DELLA PIANA, "Not all Family Firms are Equal: The Moderating Effect of Family involvement on the Political Risk Exposure of the FDI Portfolio. Preliminary Evidence from Spanish MNEs", Thunderbird International Business Review, 2019, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 309-323 2019 Journal article
    BENITO-OSORIO, D., A.JIMENEZ, C.DIAZ-DAVILA, M.ZAZO-VAQUERO, "La diversidad de género en los consejos de administración y el rendimiento empresarial: perspectivas actuales y futuras", Management International, 2019, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 12-22 2019 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., G. F.JIANG, B.PETERSEN, J.GAMMELGAARD, "Within-country religious diversity and the performance of private participation infrastructure projects", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 95, pp. 13-25 2019 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., A.HERRERO, S.BAYRAKTAR, "Hybrid Unsupervised Exploratory Plots: a Case Study of Analysing Foreign Direct Investment", Complexity, 2019, vol. 2019, no. Article ID 6271017, pp. 1-14 2019 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., A.HERRERO, "Selecting Features that Drive Internationalization of Spanish Firms", Cybernetics and Systems, 2019, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 25-39 2019 Journal article
    VERA-GILCES, P., X.ORDEÑANA, A.JIMENEZ, "El efecto de la inversión extranjera directa en el desempeño de empresas locales latinoamericanas: el caso de las manufacturas en Ecuador", Información Comercial Española, ICE: Revista de Economía, 2019, vol. 909, pp. 93-107 2019 Journal article
    TARAS, V., D.BAACK, D.CAPRAR, D.DOW, F.FROESE, A.JIMENEZ, P.MAGNUSSON, "Diverse effects of diversity: Disaggregating effects of diversity in global virtual teams", Journal of International Management, 2019, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 100689 2019 Journal article
    FERNANDES, A. J. S., A. JIMENEZ, D. TSAGDIS, J. KRAAK, "Managing political risk in the oil and gas industry in a developing economy: the case of BP in Angola", European J. of International Management, 2019, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 733-755 2019 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., J. HOLMQVIST, D. JIMÉNEZ, "Cross-border communication and private participation projects: the role of genealogical language distance", Management International Review, 2019, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1009-1033 2019 Journal article
    KRAAK, J., M.RUSSO, A.JIMENEZ, "Work-life balance psychological contract perceptions for older workers", Personnel Review, 2018, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1194-1220 2018 Journal article
    BOEHE, D., A.JIMENEZ, "Does the sequencing of related and unrelated export diversification matter? Evidence from Colombian exporters", International Business Review, 2018, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1141-1149 2018 Journal article
    DELLA PIANA, B., A.VECCHI, A.JIMENEZ, "Embracing a new perspective on the governance of family business groups: A cross-cultural perspective", European Journal of International Management, 2018, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 223-254 2018 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., D.BENITO-OSORIO, J.PUCK, P.KLOPF, "The multi-faceted role of experience dealing with policy risk: The impact of intensity and diversity of experiences", International Business Review, 2018, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 102-112 2018 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., D.BOEHE, "How do political and market exposure nurture ambidexterity?", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 89, pp. 67-76 2018 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., E.SALVAJ, J. Y.LEE, "Policy risk, distance, and private participation projects in Latin America", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 88, pp. 123-131 2018 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., I.ALON, "Corruption, Political Discretion and Entrepreneurship", Multinational Business Review, 2018, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 111-125 2018 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., M.EREN, S.BAYRAKTAR, "Turkey’s Fight against Corruption: State of Art and the Road Ahead" in Handbook on the Geographies of Corruption., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 213-227, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    JIMENEZ, A., T.BJORVATN, "The building blocks of political risk research: a bibliometric co-citation analysis", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 631-652 2018 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., M. RUSSO, J. KRAAK, G. F. JIANG, "Corruption and Private Participation Projects in Central and Eastern Europe", Management International Review (Gabler), 2017, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 775-792 2017 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., D.JIMÉNEZ, X.ORDEÑANA, J. C. P.REGALIZA, "Cultural distance and foreign direct investment: the moderating effect of vicarious experience", European Journal of International Management, 2017, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 153-180 2017 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., J. C. P.REGALIZA, J. A. J.EGUIZÁBAL, I.ALON, "Political discretion and corruption: the impact of institutional quality on formal and informal entrepreneurship", European Journal of International Management, 2017, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 280-300 2017 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., R. F.MATOS, C. P.CÁMARA, D.RAGLAND, "Enrolment in education and entrepreneurship in Latin America: a multi-country study", European J. of International Management, 2017, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 347-364 2017 Journal article
    LUIS RICO, M. I., T. D. L. TORRE CRUZ, A. JIMENEZ, "Emprendimiento y ocio en la formación inicial del profesorado de Educación Primaria", OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2017, vol. 12, no. Extra 1, pp. 121-149 2017 Journal article
    PUCHE REGALIZA, J. C., A. JIMENEZ, P. A. VAL, "Viable system model structuring of success factors in software projects", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2017, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 897-919 2017 Journal article
    JIMÉNEZ PALMERO, D., A. JIMENEZ, "La alternancia de código como variable estratégica de decisiones económicas en la industria musical", Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2017, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-22 2017 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., D. M. BOEHE, V. TARAS, D. V. CAPRAR, "Working Across Boundaries: Current and Future Perspectives on Global Virtual Teams", Journal of International Management, 2017, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 341-349 2017 Journal article
    BOEHE, D. M., A.JIMENEZ, "How does the geographic export diversification–performance relationship vary at different levels of export intensity?", International Business Review, 2016, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1262-1272 2016 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., D. DE LA FUENTE, "Learning from Others: the Impact of Vicarious Experience on the Psychic Distance and FDI Relationship", Management International Review (Gabler), 2016, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 633-664 2016 Journal article
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    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    Host-country corruption in private participation projects None Publication highlight
    Global Virtual Teams in international management None Publication highlight
    When learning from others helps your internationalization process None Publication highlight