Accounting, Finance & Economics Download CV

Emilie is an Assistant Professor at the Finance-Accounting-Economics department. Before that, she was a post-doctoral fellow at Paris School Economics, where she was involved in the collection and the treatment of historical financial data. Her research relates to several topics: financial history (particularly dividends, governance, and profit allocation within the listed firms of the beginning of the 20th century; venality and the financial system of the French early modern period), governance, and banks and other financial or banking institutions.  

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, S. MALLEK, "Why would consumers risk taking purchase recommendations from voice assistants?", Information Technology and People, 2024 2024 Journal article
    ALRABIE, N., E. BONHOURE, "Collecter des données originales ou de façon originale en gestion" in L’Expérience de la Thèse en Management., Hugo Gaillard, Julien Cloarec, Juliette Senn, and Albane Grandazzi Eds, Editions Management & Société, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, J.-R. KALA KAMDJOUG, M. GIANNAKIS, "How social media live streams affect online buyers: A uses and gratifications perspective", International Journal of Information Management, 2023, vol. 70, pp. 102621 2023 Journal article
    BONHOURE, E., D. LE BRIS, "Did French stock markets support firms of the Second Industrial Revolution?" in Bank – Industry versus Stock Market – Industry Relationships., José L. García-Ruiz, and Michelangelo Vasta Eds, Routledge, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    BONHOURE, E., R. E. BAWACK, "Measuring network-driven citations: An adjusted citation count metric", COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 2023, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 247-268 2023 Journal article
    BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, "Influencer is the New Recommender: insights for Theorising Social Recommender Systems", Information Systems Frontiers, 2023, vol. 25(1), pp. 183-197 2023 Journal article
    BONHOURE, E., "How history can inform corporate responsibility: the statutory rule of profit allocation", Journal of Management History, 2023, vol. 29(1), pp. 80-109 2023 Journal article
    BONHOURE, E., H. CLAUSSE, E. MONNET, A. RIVA, "The great expansion: The exceptional spread of bank branches in interwar France", Business History, 2023 2023 Journal article
    BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, "Influencer is the New Recommender: Insights for Enhancing Social Recommender Systems" in Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society., Denis Dennehy, Anastasia Griva, Nancy Pouloudi, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Ilias Pappas, Matti Mäntymäki Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 681-691, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    BONHOURE, E., D. LE BRIS, "Did French stock markets support firms of the second industrial revolution?", Business History, 2021, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 914-943 2021 Journal article
    BONHOURE, E., L. GERMAIN, "Corporate Governance in France 2008-2016" in Corporate Governance: New Challenges and Opportunities., Pr Vincenzo Capizzi, Pr Udo Braendle and Pr Alex Kostyuk Eds, Virtus Interpress, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    Teaching domains


    • Corporate finance
    • Financial markets
    • International finance
    Research domains

    Corporate Finance