Isabelle DUCASSY

Accounting, Finance & Economics Download CV

Isabelle Ducassy is Associate Professor of Finance at KEDGE Business School. She holds a PhD from Toulouse University. Isabelle teaches financial analysis and corporate finance and her research focuses on corporate finance, and particularly financing choices, financial structure, performance, ownership structure (family businesses). She also publishes award winning case studies, some of which include Best Sellers 2011 & 2012 and Best Case Award 2015 Mid Cap Category. Isabelle Ducassy is responsible for the Case Lab since September 2020. She is specialised in online and blended learning.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    BAUDOUX, M., I. DUCASSY - "Voltalia Croissance durable et défis d'une entreprise à mission dans les énergies renouvelables" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., L. LE PODER, I. DUCASSY - "L’incendie de Lubrizol en 2019 : Un jeu de simulation : une crise de communication entre parties prenantes sur fond de crise écologique" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I. - "Danone : estimer le coût moyen pondéré du capital" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., F. PREVOT - "L'introduction en bourse de Ferrari" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., F. PREVOT - "Ferrari's IPO" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I. - "L’introduction en Bourse de Porsche AG" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France 2023 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I. - "The IPO of Porsche AG" - 2023, CCMP, France 2023 Case Study
    PREVOT, F., I. DUCASSY, F. PINCIN - "STRATS Serious game, JE-011" - 2023, CCMP, France 2023 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I. - "Ubisoft: déterminer le coût du capital" - 2022, CCMP, France 2022 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I. - "Ubisoft: Determining the cost of capital" - 2022, CCMP, France 2022 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., G. GUALLINO, F. PREVOT - "Battle Royale in the Video Game Industry" - 2022, CCMP 2022 Case Study
    PREVOT, F., G. GUALLINO, I. DUCASSY - "Bataille royale dans le monde des jeux vidéo" - 2022, CCMP 2022 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., A. M. CROUZET - "Initial Public Offering of La Française des Jeux" - 2021, CCMP, France 2021 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., A. M. CROUZET - "L'introduction en Bourse de FDJ" - 2021, CCMP, France 2021 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Capital Structure Design: Three examples of financial policies and their determinants" - 2020, CCMP, France 2020 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Choix de financement : trois exemples de politique financière et leurs déterminants" - 2020, CCMP 2020 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., I. DUCASSY - "Le Slip Français : du bad buzz à la crise digitale" - 2020, CCMP, France 2020 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., L.LE PODER - "Politique de divides: 6 exemples de politiques de divides et leurs déterminants" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., I.DUCASSY - "Dividend policy Six examples of dividend policies and their determinants" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., F. PREVOT - "Ubisoft-Vivendi : histoire d'une guerre d'indépendance" - 2019, CCMP 2019 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., F.PREVOT - "Ubisoft-Vivendi History of an independence war" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I. - "Carrefour / DIA : un spin-off contesté" - 2018, CCMP, France 2018 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., A.CROUZET - "L'introduction en Bourse de Numéricable" - 2018, CCMP, France 2018 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., A.GUYOT, "Complex ownership structures, corporate governance and firm performance: The French context", Research in International Business and Finance, 2017, vol. 39, no. Part A, pp. 291-306 2017 Journal article
    DUCASSY, I. - "GOOGLE, la question de la redistribution aux actionnaires" - 2017, CCMP, France 2017 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I. - "ILIAD, de la difficulté d'évaluer le coût du capital" - 2016, CCMP, France 2016 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., S.MONTANDRAU - "SANOFI: Analyse historique de la politique financière d'un groupe côté" - 2016, CCMP, France 2016 Case Study
    Teaching domains


    Research domains

    Family Business

    Corporate Finance


    Kedge Insights