Laurence LE PODER

Accounting, Finance & Economics Download CV

Since 2022, Laurence Le Poder is an Associate Dean of Pedagogy Associate Professor at KEDGE Business School, Laurence Le Poder has a PhD from the University of Aix Marseille. Her main teaching areas are related to economics, new economic developments (social and solidarity economy, circular economy, collaborative economy...) and finally to crisis management and of course to leadership in crisis management. She is interested in pedagogical innovation. She develops course modules by elaborating differentiated pedagogical scenarios (reversed pedagogy, learning by doing), in classroom, blended learning and e-learning.  In the context of her crisis management course, she has developed an original and innovative simulation in pedagogical terms: the "Night of Crisis at Kedge Business School", and more recently a remote simulation of crisis management with media pressure. Her research work focuses on crises and their impact on organizations. In this context, she has published several case studies. Finally, she is a member of the Post-Crisis Finance Network (PoCfiN), the international network created by KEDGE BS and the College of Global Studies of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH), and integrated into the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a United Nations body dedicated to the search for solutions for sustainable development, present in more than 80 countries.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    LE PODER, L., L. LE PODER, I. DUCASSY - "L’incendie de Lubrizol en 2019 : Un jeu de simulation : une crise de communication entre parties prenantes sur fond de crise écologique" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., L. LE PODER, "Appréhender la diversité économique" in Monnaie et Finance Ecologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. Chapitre 2, pp. 28-36, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., L. LE PODER, "Capitalism, markets and Organizations" in Ecological Money and Finance : Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems., Palgrave macmillan Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 35 - 58, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    LE PODER, L., I. DUCASSY - "Le Slip Français : du bad buzz à la crise digitale" - 2020, CCMP, France 2020 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., T.WHITE - "The Gendarmerie and the Germanwings crash Managing emotions at work" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
    DUCASSY, I., L.LE PODER - "Politique de divides: 6 exemples de politiques de divides et leurs déterminants" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., I.DUCASSY - "Dividend policy Six examples of dividend policies and their determinants" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., "Managing the emotional impact of disaster relief: The Gendarmerie Nationale and the crash of Germanwings Flight 952", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2018, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 48–57. 2018 Journal article
    LE PODER, L., L. FEDI - "GREENMODAL TRANSPORT : les enjeux d’une logistique durable pour l’implantation d’une plate-forme trimodale en Région parisienne Collection KEDGE. CCMP. KEDGE-PL-003" - 2018, CCMP, Paris, France 2018 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., T.WHITE - "Crash de la Germanwings Analyse d’une situation complexe." - 2017, CCMP, Paris, France 2017 Case Study
    LE PODER, L. - "Régie des Transports de Marseille : comment élaborer un dispositif de prévention de crise ?" - 2016, CCMP, France 2016 Case Study
    LE PODER, L. - "Sony Pictures Entertainment : Comment faire face à une crise liée au cyberterrorisme ?"" - 2016, CCMP, France 2016 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., G.LINSCOTT - "“Sony Pictures Entertainment: What to do in the face of a crisis linked to cyberterrorism?”" - 2016, CCMP, France 2016 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., L.FEDI - "GREENMODAL TRANSPORT : Comment devenir un organisateur de transport innovant et durable" - 2016, CCMP, France 2016 Case Study
    Teaching domains




    Research domains


    • Crisis management


    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
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    Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprise (RSE)
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