Strategy-Sustainability-Entrepreneurship Download CV

Ralf Barkemeyer is Full Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Head of the PhD programme at KEDGE Business School. Prior to that, he worked as a Research Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Leeds and Queen’s University Belfast, where he received his PhD in 2010. Ralf’s research focuses on the interface of business, environment and society. In particular, he is interested in the link between CSR and development as well as corporate sustainability performance assessment. Ralf has published in outlets such as Nature Climate Change, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Venturing or Business Ethics Quarterly. He is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (Wiley).

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    HANOTEAU, J., R. BARKEMEYER, J. MIKLIAN, "Business and Violent Conflict as a Multi-Dimensional Relationship: the case of post-Reformasi Indonesia" Forthcoming Business Horizons 2024 Journal article
    PREUSS, L., R. BARKEMEYER, B. ARORA, S. BANERJEE, "Sensemaking along global supply chains: implications for the ability of the MNE to manage sustainability challenges", Journal of International Business Studies, 2024, vol. 55, pp. 492-514 2024 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., C. REVELLI, A. DOUAUD, "Selection Bias in ESG Controversies as a Risk for Sustainable Investors", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, vol. 405, pp. 137035 2023 Journal article
    LU, N., P. KUMAR CHINTAKAYALA, T. DEVINNEY, W. YOUNG, R. BARKEMEYER, "A critical review of the socially responsible consumer" in A Research Agenda for Sustainability and Business., Sally Russell, Rory Padfield Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 37-52, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    BARKEMEYER, R., C. W. YOUNG, P. K. CHINTAKAYALA, A. OWEN, "Eco-labels, conspicuous conservation and moral licensing: An indirect behavioural rebound effect", Ecological Economics, 2023, vol. 204, Part A, pp. 107649 2023 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., J. HANOTEAU, R. BARKEMEYER, "E-procurement and firm corruption to secure public contracts: The moderating role of governance institutions and supranational support", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 149, pp. 640-650 2022 Journal article
    MIKLIAN, J., R. BARKEMEYER, "Business, peacebuilding, violent conflict and sustainable development in Myanmar: presenting evidence from a new survey dataset", Journal of Asia Business Studies, 2022, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 600-617 2022 Journal article
    ARGADE, P., F. SALIGNAC, R. BARKEMEYER, "Opportunity Identification for Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Interplay of Individual and Context Level Factors in India", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2021, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 3528-3551 2021 Journal article
    ANAND, A., P. ARGADE, R. BARKEMEYER, F. SALIGNAC, "Trends and patterns in sustainable entrepreneurship research: A bibliometric review and research agenda", Journal of Business Venturing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 106092 2021 Journal article
    OZSOZGUN CALISKAN, A., E. ESEN, R. BARKEMEYER, "Impression management tactics in the CEO statements of Turkish sustainability reports", Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2021, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 485-506 2021 Journal article
    DZHENGIZ, T., R. BARKEMEYER, G. NAPOLITANO, "Emotional framing of NGO press releases: Reformative versus radical NGOs", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2021, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 2468-2488 2021 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., C. FAUGERE, O. GERGAUD, L. PREUSS, "Media attention to large-scale corporate scandals: Hype and boredom in the age of social media", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 109, pp. 385-398 2020 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., F. SALIGNAC, P. ARGADE, "CSP and governance in emerging and developing country firms: Of mirrors and substitutes", Business and Politics, 2019, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 540-568 2019 Journal article
    COTTON, M., R. BARKEMEYER, B. , G. RENZI, G. NAPOLITANO, "Fracking and Metaphor: Analysing Newspaper Discourse in the USA, Australia and the United Kingdom", Ecological Economics, 2019, vol. 166, no. December 2019, pp. 106426 2019 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., J.MIKLIAN, "Responsible Business in Fragile Contexts: Comparing Perceptions from Domestic and Foreign Firms in Myanmar", Sustainability, 2019, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 598 2019 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., M. OHANA, L. PREUSS, "Developing country firms and the challenge of corruption: Do company commitments mirror the quality of national-level institutions?", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 90, pp. 26-39 2018 Journal article
    CHINTAKAYALA, P. K., W.YOUNG, R.BARKEMEYER, M. A.MORRIS, "Breaking niche sustainable products into the mainstream: Organic milk and free-range eggs", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2018, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1039-1051 2018 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., P.GIVRY, F.FIGGE, "Trends and patterns in sustainability-related media coverage: A classification of issue-level attention", Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2018, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 937-962 2018 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., "Climate policy: Uncovering ocean-related priorities", Nature Climate Change, 2017, vol. 7, pp. 761-762 2017 Journal article
    RENZI, B. G., M.COTTON, G.NAPOLITANO, R.BARKEMEYER, "Rebirth, Devastation and Sickness: Analyzing the Role of Metaphor in Media Discourses of Nuclear Power", Environmental Communication, 2017, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 624-640 2017 Journal article
    YOUNG, C. W., S. V.RUSSELL, R.BARKEMEYER, "Social media is not the ‘silver bullet’ to reducing household food waste, a response to Grainger and Stewart (2017)", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, vol. 122, pp. 405-406 2017 Journal article
    YOUNG, W., S. V.RUSSELL, C. A.ROBINSON, R.BARKEMEYER, "Can social media be a tool for reducing consumers’ food waste? A behaviour change experiment by a UK retailer", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, vol. 117, pp. 195-203 2017 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., F.FIGGE, A.HOEPNER, D.HOLT, J.KRAAK, P.YU, "Media Coverage of Climate Change: An International Comparison", Environment and Planning C, 2017, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1029-1054 2017 Journal article
    PREUSS, L., F.FIGGE, R.BARKEMEYER, "The headquartering effect in international CSR" in Development-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility: Volume 1., Jamali, D; Karam C; Blowfield M Eds, Routledge, pp. 76-92, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    BARKEMEYER, R., S.DESSAI, B.MONGE-SANZ, B. G.RENZI, G.NAPOLITANO, "Linguistic analysis of IPCC summaries for policymakers and associated coverage", Nature Climate Change, 2016, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 311-316 2016 Journal article
    BARKEMEYER, R., S.QUATRINI, L.STRINGER, "Involving the Mining Sector in Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality", Solutions, 2016, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 55-63 2016 Journal article
    PREUSS, L., R.BARKEMEYER, A.GLAVAS, "Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Country Multinationals: Identifying Company and Country-Level Influences", Business Ethics Quarterly, 2016, vol. 26, no. 03, pp. 347-378 2016 Journal article
    Teaching domains


    • Sustainable Development
    • Corporate Sustainability
    Research domains


    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    Gestion de crise : quelle est la valeur médiatique d’un scandale ? Breeda COMYNS HBR publication
    Language matters None Video publication
    L'importance du type de discours None Video publication
    Complex language stalling global efforts on climate change None Publication highlight