Operations Management-Supply Chain-Information Systems

Head of Supply Chain Center of Excellence

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Yann Bouchery is Associate Professor in Operations Management and a member of the Center of Excellence in Supply Chain at KEDGE Business School. He holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from École centrale Paris (France) obtained in 2012. Before joining KEDGE Business School in 2019, he spent two years at Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) and five years at EM Normandie. His research interests focus on sustainable operations management and green logistics. His work is published in international journals such as Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part B, International Journal of Production Economics. He has also co-edited a book entitled « Sustainable Supply Chains : A Research-Based Textbook on Operations and Strategy ».

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    TAN, T., Y. BOUCHERY, J. HOFSTETTER, "Supply Chain Collaboration for Sustainability" in Sustainable Supply Chains., Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 263-278, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    BOUKHERROUB, T., Y. BOUCHERY, T. TAN, J. C. FRANSOO, C. J. CORBETT, "Carbon Footprinting in Supply Chains: Measurement, Reporting, and Disclosure" in Sustainable Supply Chains., Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 49-76, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    BOUCHERY, Y., C. J. CORBETT, J. C. FRANSOO, T. TAN, "Sustainable Supply Chains: Introduction" in Sustainable Supply Chains., Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-12, 2024 2024 Book chapter
    BEN MOHAMED, I., O. LABARTHE, Y. BOUCHERY, W. KLIBI, G. STAUFFER, "Multi-echelon Urban Distribution Networks: Models, Challenges and Perspectives" in The Routledge Handbook of Urban Logistics., J. MONIOS, L. BUDD and S. ISON Eds, Routledge, chap. 15, pp. 208-224, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    HEZARKHANI, B., G. DEMIREL, Y. BOUCHERY, M. DORA, "Can “ugly veg” supply chains reduce food loss?", European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, vol. 309 (1), pp. 117-132 2023 Journal article
    KOOMEN, A., Y. BOUCHERY, T. TAN, "Framework for selecting carbon emission abatement projects in supply chains", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2023, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 271-296 2023 Journal article
    BOUCHERY, Y., B. HEZARKHANI, G. STAUFFER, "Coalition formation and cost sharing for truck platooning", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2022, vol. 165, pp. 15-34 2022 Journal article
    BOUCHERY, Y., L. BELGOUZIA, J.-L. CARRASCO, W. KLIBI, O. LABARTHE, J. LEVEQUE, G. STAUFFER, "Logistique du dernier kilomètre : à Bordeaux, on livre en vélos cargos" in Mobilités décarbonées. Un défi global., Cerema Ed., CEREMA, chap. 10, pp. 117-120, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    BOUCHERY, Y., J. WOXENIUS, R. BERGQVIST, "Where to open maritime containers?: A decision model at the interface of maritime and city logistics", World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 2021, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 6-29 2021 Journal article
    BOUCHERY, Y., J. WOXENIUS, J. C. FRANSOO, "Identifying the market areas of port-centric logistics and hinterland intermodal transportation", European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, vol. 285, no. 2, pp. 599-611 2020 Journal article
    BOUCHERY, Y., M. SLIKKER, J. C. FRANSOO, "Intermodal hinterland network design games", Transportation Science, 2020, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1272–1287 2020 Journal article
    LEGROS, B., Y. BOUCHERY, J. FRANSOO, "A Time-Based Policy for Empty Container Management by Consignees", Production and Operations Management, 2019, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1503-1527 2019 Journal article
    MANDJÁK, T., A. LAVISSIERE, J. HOFMANN, Y. BOUCHERY, M. C. LAVISSIÈRE, O. FAURY, R. SOHIER, "Port marketing from a multidisciplinary perspective: A systematic literature review and lexicometric analysis", Transport Policy, 2019, vol. 84, pp. 50-72 2019 Journal article
    BOUCHERY, Y., A. GHAFFARI, Z. JEMAI, T. TAN, "Impact of coordination on costs and carbon emissions for a two-echelon serial economic order quantity problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, vol. 260, no. 2, pp. 520-533 2017 Journal article
    BOUCHERY, Y., C. J.CORBETT, J. C.FRANSOO, T.TAN, "Sustainable Supply Chains: Introduction" in Sustainable Supply Chains., Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-12, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    BOUKHERROUB, T., Y.BOUCHERY, C. J.CORBETT, J. C.FRANSOO, T.TAN, "Carbon Footprinting in Supply Chains" in Sustainable Supply Chains., Yann Bouchery, Charles J. Corbett, Jan C. Fransoo, Tarkan Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 43-64, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    BOUCHERY, Y., A.GHAFFARI, Z.JEMAI, J.FRANSOO, "Sustainable transportation and order quantity: insights from multiobjective optimization", Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2016, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 367-396 2016 Journal article
    JAEGLER, A., Y.BOUCHERY, "Joseph Sarkis : la référence en management de la supply chain durable" in Les grands auteurs en Logistique et Supply Chain Management., Ed., Editions Management & Société , 2016 2016 Book chapter
    Teaching domains

    Operations Management/Supply Chain

    • Operations Management & Logistics
    Research domains

    Operations Management

    Supply Chain & Logistics

    Sustainable Development

    Kedge Insights