Investing in sustainable blue growth and competitiveness through 3-Pillars Business Model (3PBM)

iBlue will contribute to sustainably relaunch yachting sector
iBlue will contribute to sustainably relaunch yachting sector (shipbuilding, nautical services, tourism) by creating a Med transnational network helping the economic upturn by sharing business models (BM) which integrate the 3 pillars of sustainability (environmental, social, economic ones); developing the 3-PBM methodology.
The sector is now facing crisis and unemployment challenges, but a sole market-oriented action would represent a threat for the Med ecosystem balance, from an environmental and a social viewpoint.
3-PBM application with a systematic data collection will create a database providing:
- a critical mass of knowledge about Med yachting in terms of economic impact, employment, strengths, weaknesses and sustainability, exploitable by several users (SMEs, policy makers, researchers); an indicator system about the sustainability of the yachting enterprises, useful to the policy makers for a better resource allocation and for impact evaluation
- a collection of best practices, innovation patterns and policies exploitable by Med yachting sector actors for performance improvement
- training material for the realization of sustainable BM in yachting, going towards circular economy principles, and for the maritime tourists for improving awareness about rules for Med safeguard.
A transnational action will allow a sustainable development of the whole yachting sector of Med, protecting at the same time nature, beauty and culture of its territories and its people.
Project overall objective
The main objective of iBlue project is to improve yachting competitiveness by creating an integrated network of yachting sector of the MED area based on a sustainable 3-pillars approach (economic, social and environmental sustainability). Through an integrated approach, we will involve actors of the whole nautical supply chain, from the production SMEs to the nautical service providers and the maritime sector tourists, in order to innovate their business models considering the 3 pillars of sustainability. Furthermore, the cluster will merge competences of research experts, SMEs and local authorities, creating a critical mass of knowledge that will be able to influence policy makers through a impact indicator system.
The concrete actions will increase transnational activities in three ways: by developing international cooperation and networking, by sharing knowledge helping the intelligence data management, and by capacity building thanks to training and coaching actions. The innovative cluster, composed by actors with different capabilities in research and operations, but sharing the same innovation objective, will concentrate the efforts to support a key sector of the whole Med area, the maritime tourism and in particular the yachting.
Project specific objectives
- Creating a methodology for innovation of the enterprises of the yachting sector based on the 3 pillars of sustainability (economic, social, environmental) and applying it in the Med area
- Systematic collection of data about yachting in Med area and creation of a sustainability indicators system
- Creating a Med yachting transnational network for sharing knowledge and best practices of the sector
Project results
- Improvement of competitiveness of yachting sector thanks to the application of a sustainable and innovative business model
- Complete knowledge of the yachting segment by a systematic data organization and mapping
- Activating a territorial development through sharing of innovative practices in transnational business clusters
- New governance concepts for policy makers through a set of indicators giving an integrated overview of the maritime tourism
- Scientific Work PackageStudying: Final version method
- Several events in Seville for iBLUE team Second session of Consortium Training Course, Third Thematic Seminar and Fourth Steering Committee Meeting Seville, May, 8 th -9 th
- Second thematic Seminar: “Yachting Sector in Albania, challenges and the perspective” Durres, April, 27th
- MADE in Med –Crafting the future Mediterranean Rome, April, 18th - 19th
- Rijeka – third iBLUE Steering Committee Meeting and first Consortium Training Course
- University of Primorska Local Event in Koper Dissemination Local Event 2017 June 15th
- “New trends for the Yachting sector in the Med Area” Addressing environmental, social and economic sustainability
- Marseille, Villa Valmer: the first iBLUE Thematic Seminar
- UfMRegional Stakeholder Conference on Blue Economy
- Blue Growth Community in the Mediterranean InnoBlueGrowthEvent -Rome,April, 6th -7 th We are MED Event -Alicante,May 17th
- SAVE THE DATE October-December 2017
- iBLUE Kick Off Meeting March, 28th-29th 2017
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