EMBA head of the class - interview with Sophie Giordanengo



This past week, Sophie Giordanengo, Aeronautical Sales Manager at Airbus Helicopters, graduated as co-Valedictorian of the Kedge Global MBA 2017 Class.  Her contribution to the group was monumental and, of course, we remain very proud.  I had a moment to speak with her after the ceremony to share with others considering the Global MBA experience.

1: Overall, what was your impression of the Kedge Global MBA?
The Global MBA gives participants the possibilities to develop and structure the potential that is in each of us. 

2: With what have you been satisfied?
The personal development and new perspectives provides a structured and global end-to-end vision of business. This was excellent! The cooperative spirit between students. The flexibility & adaptability according to the workload of part-time students. The very good quality of most of the Professors. Some courses were just delightful.

3: What are the difficulties you have encountered with your MBA programme (academic, group dynamics, personal organisation, amount of work, etc.)?
Organisation with my job was not always easy since the MBA workload had to be absorbed on top of my work and I really made all the necessary efforts in order to be efficient on both sides (Kedge & work). At the end of the programme, I was quite exhausted! 

4: How satisfied are you with the 2-year interaction within your cohort?
Very satisfied. 

5: What acquired knowledge/skills do you use in your daily practice?
I have acquired a clear vision. Everything I knew before academically or by experience has been put into perspective with other aspects of my career. Secondly, this definitely helped me to gain leadership and self-assurance.

6: What has the ‘Development Centre' brought to you (Assessment, coaching, workshops)?
Identify areas on which I had to work on in terms of approaches, ways of tackling problems, etc.  My coach was very professional and skilled.

7: What suggestions might you have for the MBA curriculum?
Every programme today can benefit from more digital and sustainable streams. However, I do think that, in my case, I would have liked more courses on communication and multicultural leadership.

8: Suggestions for future intakes?
Always keep increasing networking possibilities and continually develop related events.

9: As a graduate, what activities will you most appreciate?
In particular, the Refresh Your Skills Programme (free MBA courses for alumni), MBA Community Networking Events, Conferences, Access to the vast online Library.

10: Would you recommend this programme to another?
Yes.  In addition to all the positive points I have listed above, the Kedge Global MBA has been a great experience full of obvious and unexpected added-values.

More information: Please contact Kirt Wood +33 (0)6 03 34 32 94