As you know, due to the exceptional circumstances that we are currently living, we have had to postpone your graduation ceremony.
As the evolution of the health crisis remains uncertain, we are not in a position to set a new date for the ceremony for two reasons:
· in light of the current circumstances, the rectorate cannot commit to a date for the signing of diplomas; and
· we do not know when we will be authorised to host large-scale events.
If you have not yet received your certification of diploma by email or by post, you can apply for a digital version at any time by writing to: (Bordeaux) or (Marseille).
As a reminder, your certification of diploma and transcript are the two official documents confirming your graduation from our school and the obtention of your diploma. The documents are recognised by most organisations/institutions in France and abroad.
If you are in the process of being recruited for a job and your future employer wishes to verify your diploma, it can apply for verification via VerifDiploma (
We thank you for your understanding and remain available should you have any questions.
Postponement of graduation ceremonies