Highlights from the PhD days : A meeting between doctorals students on the KEDGE Bordeaux campus on May 14 and 15, 2024

On May 14 and 15, 2024, the PHD students of KEDGE gathered for study days, presentations, and discussions about their research on the Bordeaux campus.

KEDGE PhD Students Gather in Bordeaux

Discover the programme

Each year, the doctoral students of the KEDGE PHd programme convene for the PhD Days. This year, the event took place on May 14 and 15 at the Bordeaux campus, offering two days dedicated to sharing and exchanging insights about their research. These pivotal moments in their academic journey provide young researchers with the opportunity to discuss their practices and gain diverse perspectives on their research.

Research presentations

The first day was dedicated to presentations by second-year doctoral students and poster presentations by first, third, and fourth-year students.

  • Diana Arcila Perdomo: Designing For Memorable Experiences: Managerial Perspectives in Cultural Institutions
  • Togan Kilic: Effects of Mindfulness on Justice Enactment in Organizations
  • Marlena Ciszek: Addressing Social Incompatibility Between Luxury and Sustainability
  • Maria Teresa Uribe Jaramillo: Business for Peace: An Organizational Framework for Colombian Peacebuilding Territories
  • Ali Nazarinia: The Dual Relationship Between Eco-innovation & Circular Economy: A Case Study of the Tyre Value Chain
  • Xiaohang Lin: International Standards Certification (ISC) as a Bridge Over Institutional Voids: The Impact on Firm Investments
  • Mengyao Sun: Employee Voice in China: Exploring the Nature and Characteristics of Employee Voice and How to Enhance Voice Endorsement in the Chinese Context

A research poster competition was organised with the following winners:

  • Best Poster Award: Oussema Omri
  • Best Poster Award: Noémie Dehling
  • Most Captivating Poster Award: Alicia Gallais

All posters

On the second day, the doctoral student association DoctorAkt organised a public speaking workshop led by Paul Williatte. The event concluded with a wine tasting session.

Why Join the PHd programme?

The KEDGE PhD programme enables young researchers to become teacher-researchers. By joining this program,me students are affiliated with a research centre that offers them the opportunity to develop and enrich their research careers. They can publish articles in renowned academic journals and participate in research projects under the guidance of senior professors at KEDGE.