KEDGE Business School launches Impakt Fund

The Impakt fund is a mechanism for financing meaningful projects that contribute to accelerating our ecological and social transition.

Since the launch of the KEDGE 2025 strategic plan, all initiatives contributing to making KEDGE an original, sustainable and inclusive school have been brought together under a single, meaningful banner: KEDGE Impakt.

As part of this 3-pillar strategy: Care for People, Act for the planet, Innovate for Tomorrow, the school is launching the Impakt Fund in October 2022.

Financing projects related to the ecological and social transition

The Impakt fund is a mechanism for financing meaningful projects, that contribute to accelerating our ecological and social transition. Through this scheme, the school encourages its community to propose projects to energize all our campuses and supports them in their transformative and impacting initiatives with a social and/or environmental scope. A total of €100,000 in funding is available to support and develop these projects.

Open to KEDGE students and staff

The Impakt Fund is open to the student community and all staff (employees and professors). It will fund between €5 and €15,000 for each selected project, which must be set up in 2023 on one or more KEDGE campuses.

 Projects must contribute to

  • Raise awareness in our communities
  • Transform our campuses
  • Act for the community