Looking back on the MSc students' Climate Day

As part of the Climate Day, which brought together all of its Masters of Science, KEDGE Business School offered its students the opportunity to experience the 2tonnes workshop. This participative and positive exercise is in line with one of the school's commitments: to train all its students to become players in the ecological and social transition.

Picturing the future and acting together for the climate

The half-day "2 Tons Workshop" allowed students to envision the future and analyse the different levers of the transition to a low-carbon society. Over a period of 3 and a half hours and in teams, the student groups explored the various possibilities for achieving the Paris Agreement objective of 2 tonnes of carbon emissions per year and per person by 2050.

Insights of this year's workshop at KEDGE Business School

Course of the workshop

There are 5 phases to the 2tonne workshop sessions:

  • Footprint: Students are given a graph showing their own carbon footprint, previously calculated online by filling in their consumption habits (housing, food, travel, etc.). Based on their score, they have to reach 2 tons by 2050, by acting on their personal footprint and on that of the world population.
  • Introduction: A quiz is conducted to test knowledge about the causes and consequences of climate change, and the context for climate action.
  • Simulation: Launch of the first of 8 rounds of action. Several rules mark out the game: 2 hours and 15 minutes are given to work on the actual deadline of the Paris Agreements; 2050. 8 points per round of action and per participant are allocated. A certain number of points correspond to each action to be carried out in order to reduce the impact and reach the final objective of 2 tons. A budget of 3 billion euros is set per round of action. In the individual phases, students are encouraged to take initiatives to reduce their personal footprint. During the collective phases, each one is given a role (within the French government, the national assembly, companies, etc.) and debates to defend their intentions. Between each round of the game, the progress made is displayed as a graph, allowing the participants to observe the consequences of their actions.
  • Debrief: Once the results of the simulation are presented, the participants are invited to analyse their results and the chosen transition scenario, before concluding by sharing their feelings.
  • Action: Participants have access to the data of the different action commitments to become actors of the transition at their level.

KEDGE Impakt strategy

KEDGE makes experimentation and experiential learning central to its model. In order to prepare its students to take up the challenges of the 21st century, the school passes on knowledge and skills and encourages them to experiment through tangible actions with an impact - as with this serious game. Addressing the challenges of the ecological and social transition is at the heart of KEDGE's educational project. Our ambition is for our students to be ready to support the transformation of organisations and sectors of activity, while complying with environmental limits and the need for social justice. The "Innovate for Tomorrow" pillar in the KEDGE Impakt strategy structures three commitments that bring together our contributions to a societal paradigm shift.

More information on Innovate for Tomorrow and the KEDGE Impakt strategy

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