Diam Bouchage and KEDGE Wine School plant cork oak trees, obtain low-carbon label

One year ago, KEDGE Wine School joined forces with DIAM Bouchage to finance the reforestation of a cork oak forest in the Var region of France, which had been devastated by fire.

We are very proud to announce that this plantation is now Label Bas Carbone certified. The Label Bas Carbone is a voluntary compensation project certified by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition. This post-fire reforestation project is expected to generate a carbon gain of around 90 tC02 over 30 years and will be verified by an independent auditor after 5 vegetation seasons. This label is a first in France for a 100% cork oak forest, and augurs well for the deployment of such a method in future projects.


It's the first low-carbon project to focus on cork oak alone! It's a first in the industry, and the fruit of a partnership between several committed players from very different backgrounds, including ASL Suberaies Varoises, CNPF, the PACA region, DIAM Bouchage and KEDGE Wine School.

Fabien NGUYEN, Purchasing Manager at DIAM Bouchage

KEDGE Wine School’s commitment alongside Diam Bouchage stems into our strategy of reducing and ultimately offsetting our carbon footprint. It reflects our willingness to focus on supporting responsible projects, concrete and useful for the wine sector. The plantation’s Label Bas Carbone is a tangible proof of our action’s environmental benefits.

Jérémy Cukierman, Director of KEDGE Wine School