KEDGE Business School unveils responsible international mobility action plan

As the fight against climate change becomes increasingly urgent, KEDGE Business School is taking significant steps towards adopting a responsible mobility approach.
As part of its KEDGE IMPAKT strategy, particularly its "Act for the Planet" pillar, KEDGE is committed to "Contributing to global carbon neutrality." In this context, the International Development Department is launching its action plan for responsible international mobility.
The aim is to raise students' awareness of the importance of responsible mobility while providing them with concrete solutions to reduce their ecological footprint during their international exchange.

Initiatives to raise awareness among incoming international students 

KEDGE is introducing a range of initiatives designed to inform and encourage incoming international students to embrace eco-friendly practices from day one.

  • The "eco-responsible and thrifty student guide": This practical guide offers a wealth of tips for living sustainably without breaking the bank. It addresses various aspects of daily life, from optimising transport choices and managing waste to sourcing local food.
  • Pre-arrival awareness and orientation: Pre-arrival video chats and orientation sessions are essential for preparing international students for their time in France, as well as for raising awareness about responsible mobility.
  • A "2-tonnes" workshop: Next semester, KEDGE will host a workshop aimed at incoming students. This workshop focuses on the goal of reducing carbon emissions to 2 tonnes per person per year by 2050 to help limit global warming to under 2°C. Through interactive role-playing, students will explore actionable steps they can take daily and how these choices affect their carbon footprint, both individually and collectively.
  • Partnership with Ca’Store and Kallistos: In a bid to cut down on plastic waste, KEDGE has partnered with Ca’Store and Kallistos to eliminate disposable plastic giveaways typically handed out at welcome events. These items will be replaced with more sustainable alternatives available through KEDGE’s partner organisations.

Initiatives for outgoing students 

For those preparing to study abroad, KEDGE is also implementing various actions to highlight the importance of responsible mobility.

  • Benchmarking with partner universities: KEDGE is conducting a benchmarking exercise with its 330 partner universities to identify best practices that could be adapted for its own programmes. This collaborative approach allows the school to learn from successful initiatives worldwide while enhancing its responsible mobility offerings.
  • Awareness during pre-departure video chats: Informative sessions are held during the pre-departure video chats to prompt students to consider the environmental impact of their travels. They’re encouraged to think about eco-friendly alternatives available once they arrive, such as using public transport, carpooling, or cycling.
  • Collecting testimonials from responsible mobility alumni: To make its messaging more relatable, KEDGE is gathering stories from students who have successfully engaged in responsible mobility. These testimonials serve to inspire future students and showcase practical examples of sustainable travel.
  • Distribution of a responsible mobility advice video: This visual resource is presented during the "Climate Days" organised annually by KEDGE for 100% of its first-year students.

By adopting this approach, which combines the international mobility of its students with raising awareness of climate change issues, KEDGE reinforces its commitment to a more sustainable and inclusive society. By training responsible managers, the school supports the acceleration of the ecological and social transition.