KEDGE Business School Summer Schools Return in 2024

For several years, the KEDGE Summer School programme has become a must-attend event for students from around the world seeking an enriching academic experience and unique cultural immersion. This summer, our Marseille and Paris campuses welcomed approximately 170 international students from 54 partner universities.

Summer School in Paris: A programme focused on marketing and technology

This year, KEDGE's Summer School in Paris offered two distinct course packs. The first focused on marketing, and the second on technology and modern management.
From June 10 to June 21, each week, 19 students from 15 partner universities participated in courses on sustainable marketing & digital marketing. For activities, they immersed themselves in parisian history and culture with visits to Île de la Cité and Montmartre.

Then, from June 24 to July 6, 39 students from 23 partner universities attended courses on disruptive technologies & modern management. The participation of Brice Lenain, a former kedge student and current global sales strategy lead for ai at Microsoft, added valuable professional insight to the theoretical knowledge. Culturally, the students explored the Vosges-Marais district through a treasure hunt.

Summer School in Marseille: A programme inspired by the 2024 Olympic Games

In Marseille, the Summer School was directly inspired by the 2024 Olympic Games, with modules focused on sports marketing and management.
Thus, from June 17 to June 28, 30 students selected from 15 partner universities participated in courses dedicated to sport marketing, communication, and strategic management.

From July 1 to July 12, they focused on sports olympics skills management and purpose strategy.
The programme also included a Business Game, which involved creating a nautical event and preparing for professional recruitment and skills management in the sports sector. Participants had the opportunity to visit two iconic olympic sites: the Orange Vélodrome and the Olympic Marina.

The educational sessions were led by Professors Lionel Maltese and Jean-Philippe Danglade. Many professionals shared their expertise, including François Singer, a sports industry expert; Charles Rougier, project director at the Oreca Group; Thomas Vergnolle, Event project manager for the 2024 Olympics; and Louis Raynal, a former KEDGE student and mission leader for the olympics with the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolis.