Recent publications
Publication | Year of publication | Type of publication |
FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E. - "Reputation & crisis" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | 2024 | Case Study |
FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E. - "Crisis & communication" - 2024, CCMP, Paris | 2024 | Case Study |
SALIGNAC, F., R. BARKEMEYER, E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, T. DZHENGIZ, "Understanding the evolution of competing institutional logics in the marketization of care: A stage model analysis of Australia's national disability insurance scheme", Health Policy, 2024 | 2024 | Journal article |
FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Recherche des clients de grande valeur : le cas de la société française de télécommunications, Free" - 2020, CCMP, Paris, France | 2020 | Case Study |
FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Freevolution : le cas de FREE, la société française de télécommunications" - 2020, CCMP, Paris, France | 2020 | Case Study |
FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "The Freevolution: The case of Free, the French telecoms company" - 2020, CCMP, Paris, France | 2020 | Case Study |
FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Wanted: high value clients for Free: The case of the French telecoms company Free" - 2020, CCMP, Paris, France | 2020 | Case Study |
CANNING, L., E.FRANKLIN-JOHNSON - "The big squeeze. Orange and the challenge of mobile phone take-back" - 2018, CCMP, Paris | 2018 | Case Study |
COMYNS, B., E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, "Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises: A Theoretical Development Using the Case of Rana Plaza", Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 159-183 | 2018 | Journal article |
FIGGE, F., A. THORPE, P. GIVRY, L. CANNING, E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, "Longevity and Circularity as Indicators of Eco-Efficient Resource Use in the Circular Economy", Ecological Economics, 2018, vol. 150, pp. 297-306 | 2018 | Journal article |
FIGGE, F., P.GIVRY, L.CANNING, E.FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, A.THORPE, "Eco-efficiency of Virgin Resources: A Measure at the Interface Between Micro and Macro Levels", Ecological Economics, 2017, vol. 138, pp. 12-21 | 2017 | Journal article |
D'ANTONE, S., L. CANNING, E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, R. SPENCER, "Concerned innovation: The ebb and flow between market and society", Industrial Marketing Management, 2017, vol. 64, pp. 66-78 | 2017 | Journal article |
FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, E., F.FIGGE, L.CANNING, "Resource duration as a managerial indicator for Circular Economy performance", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, vol. 133, pp. 589-598 | 2016 | Journal article |
Teaching domains
Human Resources Management
Research domains
Organizational Behavior
Sustainable Development
Kedge Insights
Insights | Others authors | Category | Expertise |
Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises | Breeda COMYNS | Publication highlight |
Sustainability |
The eco-efficiency of virgin resources | Philippe GIVRY Louise CANNING Andrea THORPE | Expert’s view |
Sustainability |
Stratégie et responsabilité : du Rana Plaza aux « Panama papers » | None | Published in The Conversation |
Finance Reconsidered |