We aim to better understand the origins, consequences and types of corruption, with individuals, organizations and society, and analyze compliance and anti-corruption policies and practices.
The lab has two broad interconnecting goals, understanding corruption and improving the systems and practices aimed at preventing it.
First, drawing on different academic literatures and empirical methodologies, lab and affiliated fellows try to better understand the drivers and consequences of corruption within and around corporations in various international environments.
Second, drawing on different relevant literatures and in collaboration with corporations, lab and affiliated fellows try to evaluate and develop better compliance practices that can help managers prevent and stop corruption in organizations.
Lab members try to fulfill the lab’s mission in a number of ways.
First, engage in a number of compliance and anticorruption projects aiming at producing publications of academic and managerial articles and books.
Second, develop courses that would disseminate the latest developments of the field to undergraduate, graduate and executive education audiences.
Third, engage in consulting projects that would help business firms in their anti-corruption and compliance efforts.
Finally, once a year, about mid-September, the lab plans to host a semi-virtual informal conference, where all the lab’s associated fellows and members will have to opportunity to present and discuss topics and issues related to compliance and anticorruption that they find interesting.
The conference will be held under Chatham House Rules.
- Julien Hanoteau – Lab Leader Associate Professor of Sustainable Development
- Fanny Salignac Associate Professor, Co-Head CSR Centre of Excellence
- Stelios Zyglidopoulos Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Tobias Gössling Professor of Business Ethics
- Virginie Vial, Professor of Development Economic