Supply chain retrospective and new challenges at the 32nd ISLI Forum

In 2024, the ISLI - dedicated to supply chain training at KEDGE Business School - celebrates its 40th anniversary. This marks a significant opportunity to ponder the evolution of the supply chain over the past four decades, at the heart of the 32nd ISLI forum scheduled for May 24.

From the origins of global logistics to the latest supply chain challenges

Initially confined to a secondary role in industry, the supply chain has evolved into a crucial strategic lever for businesses, meeting increasingly complex consumer demands. However, the relentless pursuit of optimisation, focusing on maximising production at lower costs and shorter deadlines, questions the viability of the current vertical model. While technological innovations have fostered collaboration through digitisation, their full potential remains untapped. Beyond digital challenges, the scarcity of natural resources and climate and societal concerns raise the imperative of a more sustainable, frugal, and responsible supply chain. This requires a transition to future-oriented and generationally respectful strategies. Rethinking the management of natural and human resources, designing sustainable, repairable, and recyclable products, and actively engaging in a circular supply chain are essential to address environmental, health, geopolitical, and economic crises.

The 32nd ISLI Forum will commemorate the 40th anniversary of ISLI, providing a platform for dialogue and sharing between students and professionals. This occasion will exemplify the organisation's commitment to the future, unveiling fresh avenues for growth and nurturing collaborative efforts. Marie-Laure Furgala, director of ISLI, emphasises the forum's objective to stimulate debate on the future of sector management:

"This year, we aim to open the debate on the future of supply chain management. This day will be the ideal platform to demonstrate your organisation's commitment to the future. We look forward to presenting new growth opportunities."

Marie-Laure Furgala

With over 300 participants from over 20 nationalities, including students, professors, researchers, and industry professionals, the event offers multiple perspectives and networking opportunities.

Forum programme

The 32nd ISLI forum will feature four thematic roundtables:

  • Retrospective on the last 40 years: the genesis of the Supply Chain

From military roots to modern corporate strategy, this session traces the evolution of the Supply Chain, highlighting key players, logistical structures, and economic drivers.

  • Supply chain facing its responsibilities: how to progress?

Exploring risks and opportunities related to climate change, energy transition, and resource depletion, this session addresses corporate responsibility and transition and decarbonation strategies.

  • Digitisation, the tool of the next revolution

Amidst the data deluge, digitisation offers opportunities for efficiency, collaboration, and transparency in the supply chain. This session examines strategies to leverage digital tools to adapt to evolving demands.

  • Circular supply chain era: the challenges of an inevitable transformation

Addressing circularity principles and their role in achieving carbon neutrality, this session presents innovative practices and challenges related to transitioning to a circular supply chain.

The ISLI Forum sparks dynamic discussions and industry perspectives, shaping a visionary outlook on supply chain management and fostering collaboration and innovation in our complex global landscape.

Learn more about the ISLI forum