Summer Schools in Marseille


Kedge Business School was pleased to welcome 30 new students

June 19th, Kedge Business School was pleased to welcome 30 new students to the 2nd Summer School programme (out of 4) in 2017, this time dedicated to “Sports Marketing and Management” on.  

Our new students come from Australia, Turkey, China, Canada, India, France, Germany, Russia, Estonia, Japan and the UK!  They’ll encounter 4 Kedge faculty and outside experts in the Sports field during their two 30-hour courses, and participate in great visits to meet the Marketing department at the Stade Velodrome, have an Introductory course in Scuba Diving, and go on a guided tour of Marseille by bike and trotinette.

Another great group of diverse students who will spend 2 weeks (or more) in Marseille. 
