Top 3 most lucrative finance specialisations in education

The finance industry is dynamic, and trends can evolve over time. Additionally, local and global economic conditions can impact the demand for specific finance specialisations. As you consider your career path and/or future course, it's advisable to stay informed about industry trends, job market demands, and emerging areas within the finance sector. Conducting thorough research and seeking advice from industry professionals or academic advisors can also help you make informed decisions about your finance specialisation. Each of them offers unique perspectives that significantly shape your future opportunities. Discover the top three specialisations most sought after by recruiters to guide you towards your future project and choice of degree.

Why specialise in finance?

The reasons students are drawn to finance and consider that line of study can be diverse and multifaceted, reflecting a combination of personal interests, career goals, and the appeal of the industry itself.

  • Lucrative Career Opportunities
  • Intellectual Challenge
  • Global Impact 
  • Diverse Career Paths
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities
  • Constantly Evolving Industry
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Quantitative Skills Development
  • Prestige and Recognition
  • Alignment with Personal Goals
  • International opportunities

Top 3 most lucrative finance specialisations

Quantitative Finance

Quantitative finance involves the application of mathematical and statistical methods to financial markets. Professionals in this field develop sophisticated models to analyse and manage financial risk. Jobs in quantitative finance often command high salaries due to the specialised skills and expertise required.

Financial Engineering

Financial engineering is a specialised field that combines finance, mathematics, statistics, and computer science to create innovative solutions for financial problems. Financial engineers often work on developing complex financial products and strategies. Given the technical nature of the work, professionals in financial engineering are typically well-compensated.

Risk Management

Risk management professionals are responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating various risks that a financial institution or organisation may face. This includes market risk, credit risk, operational risk, and more. As risk management is crucial in financial decision-making, skilled professionals in this field are in demand and can command competitive salaries.

Prepare for your future with high-quality education at KEDGE

The world of finance is a multifaceted realm, and the right specialisation can be your key to a successful career. KEDGE business school’s Master of Science in finance which includes Banking & Finance, Corporate Finance and Sustainable Finance - available in Bordeaux, Marseille, and Paris - encompasses these diverse tracks, preparing students for dynamic and competitive finance landscapes. Each of the 3 specialisations not only provides students with academic prowess but also hones their employability skills, offering a platform for a thriving career in the finance industry.