Our researchers regularly demonstrate their commitment in the field of sustainability in finance, economics, accounting, and law and they are passionate about analyses that diverge from the status quo and provoke broader reflection on societal challenges, based on logical and scientific observations.

Presence in the media
- Financement du développement durable. Une stratégie monétaire pour l'agenda 2030 : Il y a urgence ! Thomas Lagoarde Segot and Catherine Karyotis, Revue Banque, June 2020, pp. 54-56
- Harcèlement moral au travail, l’entreprise a sa part de responsabilité ; Clémentine Bourgeois
- En cas de crise, les entreprises doivent-elles prendre la parole ou se taire ? ; Christophe Faugère
- Politique Agricole Commune, le scandale des millions d’euros d’aides agricoles détournés ; Xavier Hollandts
- Le jour d’après : « Les Français se tournent de plus en plus vers les circuits alimentaires courts » ; Xavier Hollandts
See citations in the articles in the Dépêche du Midi, AFP Mondiale, le Courrier de l’Ouest, le Maine Libre, L’Union, Nord Littoral, Presse Ocean, and RelaxNews.
- L’expertise économique tend à réifier le monde sous un masque d’objectivité ; Thomas Lagoarde-Ségot
- Covid-19 : quelles implications pour l’économie mondiale ? ; Thomas Lagoarde-Ségot et Luis Reyes-Ortiz
- Stratégie de communication : le casse-tête gouvernemental face à l'épreuve du Coronavirus ; Laurence Le Poder
- Carrière : Simulez les crises pour mieux les gérer ; Laurence Le Poder
- Une occasion de réorienter notre économie vers l'ESG ; Christophe Revelli
- Crise du Covid-19 : Une occasion inédite de réorienter notre économie financiarisée vers l’économie réelle par les critères ESG ? ; Christophe Revelli
- Crise du Covid-19 : Une occasion inédite de réorienter notre économie financiarisée vers l’économie réelle par les critères ESG ; Christophe Revelli
- Enseigner une finance durable et responsable ; Christophe Revelli
- La Finance responsable a le vent en poupe ! ; Christophe Revelli
- La France doit porter une mobilisation responsable des leviers monétaires et financiers européens ! ; Opinion piece written by several economists including Christophe Revelli and Thomas Lagoarde
- Opinion | La BCE doit agir sans tarder contre le changement climatique ; Open letter to Christine Lagarde in the European media (by several of our members)
Research & Development
- Work on a new paradigm: Ecological Finance Theory (European SOLSTICE project). TRANSFIN international Consortium (SOLSTICE European call) - under Thomas Lagoarde-Segot's management, KEDGE BS & SDSN France.
- Project on valuing human capital with members of the Network of Financial Leaders or DFCG and the National Association of HR Directors or ANDRH
- Collaboration and feasibility study with the Ecological Accounting chair co-directed by Alexandre Rambaud in order to adapt the CARE model to the Kedge Business School analytic accounting.
In 2019, the centre for expertise created the first research chair, called “Finance reconsidered: addressing sustainable economic development” with Candriam, a leader in asset management dedicated to sustainable finance. This will translate into promising research projects, such as the integration of social and environmental criteria into tools to help with investment decision-making.
Education and student life
Training programmes associated with the centre
The research conducted by the centre for expertise is integrated into the lessons that are part of the Master in sustainable finance, that aims to help students understand:
- The mechanisms of SRI
- Ethical finance
- New models for money creation by commercial banks...
New courses are also being developed, especially for the Grande Ecole Programme, notably relating to:
- Extra-financial methods of investment analysis
- New macroeconomics (The course is certified by SDSN France because it aligns with the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs)).
Furthermore, in the framework of finance courses that can be given within KEDGE, professor-researchers are systematically integrating ethics, sustainable finance, or microfinance.
Theses awards
In 2019, Mélanie Comble won the FIR-PRI European prize for the best master thesis in finance & sustainability .
News related to students
The launch of the Yunus Center for Social Business has been delayed until late autumn of 2020 after an agreement was signed in October 2019 between Professor Yunus and the KEDGE Business School. The centre initiative was initiated and led by our colleague José-Carlos Suarez-Herrera. Several projects are being studied:
• The creation of a collaborative platform gathering diverse stakeholders: researchers associated with SEEFAR, student associations, other Yunus centres, regional partners and professional groups forming working groups on microcredits and social & solidarity economics.
• A partnership for the education and regional aspects with our colleagues from the FIDAREC project and the Ligue de l’enseignement.
Seminars and Invited Researchers
- 2020
Sami Ben Larbi (Kedge) « Impact de la crise économique sur la performance sociétale des entreprises dans les pays à économies de marché libérales et coordonnés ».
Vinca Bigo (Kedge) « Resistance to the flesh in leadership research: Exploring organizational ethics and embodied paradoxes Or how about Ethics in the flesh disembodied leadership research ».
Hugues Chenet (University College London) «Climate-related financial policy in a world of radical uncertainty ».
Sébastien Pouget (TSE) «Do institutional investors vote to curb climate change? An empirical analysis of shareholder meetings ».
- 2019
Bernard Paranque (Kedge) (joint with PocFin) « Les enjeux de la finance comme commun ».
Sébastien Stenger (ISG) “We all have better things to do than do audit work”. Accepting compromises in audit work: An ethnography of junior auditors in Big 4 firms”.
Sébastien Duchêne (Montpellier U.) “Financial Market Professionals’ Higher Order Risk Attitudes”.
Stéphane Trébucq (IAE Bordeaux) « Innovations comptables pour un développement durable : bilan de tentatives, impasses et perspectives ».
Thomas Lagoarde-Segot (Kedge) “Welfare costs of business cycles and climate anomalies in developing economies. Evidence from Japan (1872-1917)”.
Sabri Boubaker (South Champagne Business School & IRG, Université Paris Est Créteil) “Product market competition and labor investment efficiency”.
Philippe Givry, Pierpaolo Andriani (Kedge) «Unused Services of a Firm’s Resources: A Penrosian View of Shadow Options ». Joelle Randriamiarana (IAE de Rouen) « Le Nouveau Business Model des Banques ».
Mikael Homanen, (UNPRI and Chicago BS) “Depositors Disciplining Banks: The Impact of Scandals”.
- 2018
Paul Miesing (SUNY Albany) « Impact de la crise économique sur la performance sociétale des entreprises dans les pays à économies de marché libérales et coordonnés ».
- 2016
J. Melmies (Université de Lille) et H. Tchakouté (Kedge BS). Atelier de recherche sur la micro-finance
- 2015
Dr C. Karyotis et S. Alijani (NEOMA) Atelier de recherche sur le sujet “Financialization, Agricultural Markets, and Common-Pool Resources: A Multilevel Analysis”,
A. Rambaud et J. Richard (Paris-Dauphine) sur le sujet “Sustainable Finance: Towards a New Conception: The ‘Triple Depreciation Line’ instead of the ‘Triple Bottom Line’: Towards a Genuine Integrated Reporting”,
Séminarie avec les professeurs J. Cloke (Université de Loughborough), L. Reyes (CEPN, Université Paris 13), F. Jovanovic (Université de Leicester), C. Schinckus (Université de Leicester) and P. Gleadle (Université de Westminster, R-U) : “Post Crisis Finance Research Network”
Organized Conferences and Workshops
- 2019
8th Annual Social Ontology Workshop, 10‐11st July 2019, with special keynotes Tony Lawson (Cambridge U.) and David Knight (Lancaster U.).
- 2018
Joint workshop with the RIODD (International Network for Research on Organizations and Sustainable Development) at the French Foundation for Management Education’s (FNEGE) Management Week on 25 May 2018 at the Cité Internationale.
- 2017
Mini symposium co-sponsored with the Office of Student Associations on ‘Debunking Economics and Reconsidering Finance’ with two plenary sessions, one with Dr Steve Keen of the School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Kingston University London, and the other Dr Christian Walter the ethics and finance chair at the Collège d'études mondiales at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH).
- 2015
12th and 13th INFINITI symposiums. Special sessions organised and led by members of the centre on the subject of alternative finance.